Page 69 of The Auction

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Ryker was a typical tech nerd, in so much that he wasn’t overly social outside his small group, and functions like that were his idea of hell. Which was weird to me because, inside the club, nobody could charm the women like he did.

“I’m out of town. I have a meeting with the new manager for the London office.”

I glare as Audrey smirks at me. “Well played, cousin.”

“Why don’t you take, Lottie? Give you a chance to show off your beautiful wife, and some of the board members will be there too. She can get dressed up and you can show her how bad you are at dancing.”

The board had agreed to let me out of the interview with New York Weekly if I made myself more available to our investors, and this would be a great opportunity. “Would you like that, Lottie?”

I see indecision war on her face and don’t want to push her either way, but I want the world to know she’s mine, at least for now.

“Who would be there?”

I list a couple of names on the board, and she seems to relax a little, the tension in her shoulders easing.

“Yes. I’d like that if I can get a sitter for Eric.”

“My Mom will have him.”

She bites her lip and I find myself jealous of her fucking teeth. “I don’t want to take advantage.”

“You won’t be, she adores him.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.”

I kiss her as my answer and shortly afterward I take her home and show her exactly how sure I am about her, even if I can’t find the words to say it to her.

“HaveI told you how beautiful you look?”

Lottie pats my bowtie with her fingers, before running her fingers over my chest, making my blood heat up. “Yes, but I love to hear it and you don’t look so bad yourself, Mr. Coldwell.”

“When do you think we can leave?”

Her husky laugh does nothing to make me change my mind about wanting to blow this off and head someplace I can make her scream my name as I fuck her.

“Not yet, we haven’t even finished our first drink and you promised me a dance.”

“I did, didn’t I?”

We’re standing in the grand ballroom of the New York Performing Arts Centre. The room is decked out with a stage so that the emcee can get up and thank us all for coming and persuade us to open our bank accounts again. There must be four hundred of New York’s elite in this room and I can’t wait to leave.

Lottie is wearing a red dress with a thigh-high slit up the leg, the lace clinging to every curve. At first glance, it looks demure, with a high neck covering my favorite attributes, but when she turned, I almost swallowed my tongue. The back dips so low I can see the dimples at the top of her ass.

When she walked down the stairs from our room where the hairdresser and a make-up artist my cousin had hired to glam her up had been doing their thing, I’d been in two minds whether to just turn her around and demand she wear a black trash liner or take out an advert in the local news to warn every man within a hundred-mile radius not to even look at her.

I’d gone with option three and told her she looked stunning and then whispered in her ear what I was going to do to her when we got home as I made her cum with my fingers on the ride here.

Taking her glass of champagne from her hand, I place it on the tray of a passing waiter and lead my wife to the dance floor. I have no idea what song this is, but I know it’s a new tune being played in a classical arrangement to fit the tone the organizers are aiming for.

I pull her close, my hand splayed on the base of her back in a possessive manner, trying to stop every pervert in here from looking at her and knowing it’s a lost cause. She’s just too beautiful and her light shines too bright. She’s so unaware of the effect she has on people, and that only adds to the attractiveness radiating from her. Far from the models and socialites watching us with open interest who are always so aware of every facial expression and movement of their bodies. The woman dancing with me is laughing as she steps on my toe for the second time tonight.

“Oh gosh, sorry.”

“It’s fine, I’ll let you make it up to me later.”

Her eyes twinkle as she looks up at me, her fingers playing with the back of my neck, causing a zing of awareness to ripple down my spine.

“Oh, and how do you propose I do that? A foot rub?”
