Page 70 of The Auction

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“I was thinking you could rub something else.”

“You’re insatiable.”

I’m addicted to the sound of her voice, so light and silky with mirth behind her words. “I am for you.”

I stroke her spine and feel the way her nipples peak and press into my chest. A shiver racks her body as I watch, hypnotized by her beauty. It’s hard to believe I’ve been without her light in my life for the last ten years and yet that thought makes me remember that our time is limited and growing shorter by the day. That is, unless I can make her fall in love with me again. Some days I think I’m making headway when I catch her looking at me a certain way but other times, I see the doubt in her eyes and wonder if I’ll ever make her love me again. I know we have our friendship back, but I don’t want that from her even though it was my original aim. I want it all, I want forever as we are now.

“Want to go home?”

She hears the real question and I see the hunger in her eyes as she looks at me. “Let me just use the ladies’ restroom and I’ll meet you out front.”

“I’ll go hand over a huge check to the organizer. Be quick.”

I squeeze a handful of her sexy ass before letting her go with a kiss.


I am and I don’t care who knows it. I want my wife, so sue me.

24: Lottie

The liquid desirein my eyes is hard to mask as I wash my hands after quickly using the lady’s room. I’ve freshened up as best I can, my body is on fire for the man who removed my panties on the car ride here and still has them in the pocket of his tux.

My face is flushed, my lips swollen from the kisses he keeps peppering me with and I love it. We’re like two addicts and our fix is each other. I’m so absorbed with my thoughts that I don’t notice the woman who comes in until she’s standing beside me.


She’s everything I’m not. Tall and willowy with blonde hair and fair porcelain skin. Her lips tonight are a bright fire-engine red and her hair is swept to the side, exposing her delicate bone structure. She was never a mean girl in school, but she wasn’t exactly welcoming either. Her father was a huge donor at the school we attended, and it was always drilled into me by the head teacher that it was only his good graces that let me attend the snobby education center in the first place.

“Violet. How nice to see you again.”

She looks genuine but I’m not a fool and don’t trust a word of it. I don’t respond but give her a short nod as I turn to leave.

Her hand on my arm makes me flinch and she pulls back immediately.

“I’m sorry for what happened with Lincoln when we were younger.” Her words are rushed as she studies me.

I want the world to open up and swallow me, but such is my luck it doesn’t happen. “It’s fine. It was a long time ago and we were just kids.”

“It’s not fine and it’s isn’t nothing. I saw you that night.”

“Please, stop.”

“I saw you waiting for Lincoln to collect you and I knew it was you he wanted to be with, not me.”

I’m getting upset and it’s making me angry now. “Clearly not.”

“He hardly spoke to me all night and left early. I’d seen the way he looked at you in school and I was jealous, but I wouldn’t have done anything except he asked me to go with him. I was shocked but happy about it. I liked him, all the girls did, and this was the first time he’d shown even an inkling of interest. When I saw you there, I knew why. He was in love with you.”

Her hand flutters to her delicate neck and I watch, not wanting to hear her words but trapped by them.

“I don’t know why he asked me to go with him when it was clear he wanted you, but I want you to know it wasn’t malicious on my part.”

Her words should make me feel better, but they only confuse me more. If Linc wasn’t even into her, why had he shattered my young heart like it was so disposable to him? “Thank you for telling me, Arabella, but it’s water under the bridge.”

She smiles and I wish it would reveal crooked teeth or, at the very least, lipstick on them, but she’s picture perfect as always.

“I’m so happy you found your way back to each other. It makes me believe in true love again after all.”
