Page 87 of The Auction

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“Have you two fuckwits finished behaving like two boys measuring dicks in the playground?” She folds her arms and neither of us speak. “Good. Now, Hudson, would you be amenable to telling us if Violet is okay?”

He wipes the blood from his nose, and I get a sick satisfaction in seeing him bleed.

“No, she fucking isn’t. He,” his finger points accusingly at me, “broke her fucking heart.”

“I made a mistake.”

“No, a mistake is forgetting your anniversary or a birthday. You went home with some cheap trollop to hurt her deliberately and it worked.”

“I saw you two hugging yesterday and jumped to the wrong conclusion.”

“What you saw was me consoling a friend and her thanking me for being one to her. Violet loved you. She came to me to try and protect you and this is how you react? You devastated her, Coldwell. I’ve never seen someone so heartbroken.”

His words land like knives in my gut and I deserve them. “Protect me from what?” I have to concentrate on that because the alternative is him using the word love in the past tense.

“I can’t tell you. Client confidentiality.”

“Then tell me where she is.”

“I can’t. I promised her, and she’s had enough people break promises to her and let her down. I won’t be joining those ranks.”

“I love her.”

“Well, you have a fucking funny way of showing it.”

“I fucked up, but I need to fix it. Please give me something. I’ll do anything.” I hate to beg this man but I’ll do anything to put this right.

“Just give her some time. I’ll tell her you want to speak to her, and she can reach out when she’s ready. In the meantime, I suggest you speak to your father or better yet, have that tech expert you’re friends with do a deep dive into him and maybe see if you can look at the cameras from the gala the other night.”

I feel unease inch up my spine and want to ask more, but I can see by the way he stands that Hudson won’t be helping me anymore.

“Now get the fuck out of my office before I call the police, and take your little guard dog with you.” He casts a hot look at Audrey, and I pause, wondering at the look of hatred that crosses between them.

“Fuck you, Hudson.”

“Not even if you paid me, Ms. Kennedy.”

I’m now the one grabbing a furious Audrey and hauling her from the office. Hudson stands in the doorway with his hands on his hips watching us leave and I stop. “Can you give Lottie a message for me?”

“For fuck’s sake, I’m not your personal fucking assistant.”

“Just tell her I never meant what I said and I’m sorry.”

“I’ll tell her, but I have to say after seeing her this morning, I don’t think that will make a difference. You took something sweet and pure and you broke her, and you might just have to live with that.”

I shake my head as his words hit their mark. “I can’t.”

“You might not have a choice. You played your hand, and it was the wrong one. Only she can decide how the rest of this plays out now and I have to tell you, I’ll be advising her to seek an immediate divorce under breach of contract.”

“I didn’t breach the contract.”

Hudson cocks his head. “Didn’t you? Because I’m pretty sure I could get a judge to believe you did from the images I found on the internet already this morning.”

I don’t respond because he walks back into his office and closes the door.

“So, genius, what now?”

We stand in the exact spot I saw Lottie hugging Hudson and Audrey looks up at me. I must look like a drowned rat, and I don’t give a damn. My only focus is finding Lottie and getting her back. “We speak to Ryker.”
