Page 9 of The Auction

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I laugh as my temper flares, and I turn my back on him. The last thing I need is to get fired from this job over an argument with a rich prick I once knew.Be honest, Vi, you more than knew him, at one time he was everything to you.

Marc is shaking his head as if he’s trying to warn me of something as he looks behind me before busying himself cleaning a glass.

“Go away, Lincoln, I’m working. We have nothing to say to each other.”

“The hell we don’t.”

I gasp as he moves around the bar and grabs my arm, dragging me behind him as I try and keep up on the stupid heels I’m wearing.

“Lincoln, what the hell are you doing? You’re going to get me fired.”

As we reach the coat check, he shoves me through a door to a staff-only cloak room and I wrench my arm away from his scalding touch. I step back putting as much space between us as I can.

This man is nothing like the boy I remember, he’s dangerous on a whole other level, cold and cruel as he looks at me with contempt. Yet my body still reacts to his touch, my wrist feels tingly like a current is running through it and I rub the spot he touched to try and erase the feeling.

“Why are you here, Lottie?”

“Don’t call me that, my name is Violet.”

“Not to me, you’ll always be my Lottie.”

Anger burns through me, but it’s driven by the hurt of him calling me his. There was a time when I would’ve sold my soul to the devil to be his but that was before he took what I gave him and crushed it. Now, as I stare into his expressionless face, it seems he’s become the devil. “I’m not your anything, mister.” My finger pokes his chest, his rock-hard pecs unmoving as he smirks at me, but it’s not the sexy smirk I remember, it’s devoid of warmth and compassion.

“Still can’t keep your hands off me, Lottie?”

I snatch my hand away but not quick enough as he grabs my wrist in his firm grip and places it back on the pristine white shirt, which is warm from his body beneath.

“In your dreams. You repulse me.”

I let out a strangled gasp as I find myself pressed up against the wall, with his hand beside my shoulder, his hard body pinning me so tight I can feel his erection against my belly.

“Really, Lottie? You’d lie to me after everything we were to each other.” His words talk of the past as if he didn’t chew me up and spit me out.

“We were nothing to each other.” His jaw flexes in anger at my words and I feel a tiny tendril of fear snake up my spine before I force it away. Whoever this man is now, I don’t believe he’d physically hurt me.

“Is that so?” He cocks his head and I try again to pull my hand away, but he tightens his grip, so it’s almost painful. “I think you’re lying.”

How can this be happening? Isn’t my life bad enough right now without adding Lincoln Coldwell to the mix?

“I’m not lying, we were nothing to each other. I was your plaything until someone more suitable came along.”


His voice is calm, controlled, and deep like a purr on my skin.

I have the urge to ask him why but I hold my tongue and try not to push against the hard evidence of his desire for me, no matter how much my body craves the feel of it. Reacting will give him what he wants, and I vowed to never let Lincoln Coldwell take anything from me ever again.

His hand skims down my arm, and I shiver despite myself, making him smirk like the devil he is now. I tip my chin up and glare at him, only making him smile wider, his even white teeth flashing.

“So feisty, Lottie. I’d forgotten how much of a fucking turn-on your temper was.”

“Drop dead.”

“Oh, not before I find out if you lied to me.”

Before I can ask the question, my body seizes at the touch of his fingers against my pussy. This damn short skirt has made it easy for him to confirm my lie. A growl escapes his chest as he leans in closer and my eyes fall shut, overwhelmed by everything that is Lincoln Coldwell.

His fingers push aside the thin fabric of my panties, and he runs them through my folds, coating him in the evidence of my lie. I want to squirm as desire hits me like a runaway train.
