Page 98 of The Auction

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“How about we agree to date for six months and see how it goes?”

I pull away with a frown. “No. I can’t be without you that long. I need to have you with me in our home.”

“Your home. I can’t go back there, Linc.”

“Fine. I’ll sell it and we can buy a new place.”


“Yes, I told you I’d give it all up for you.”

“Yeah, well, don’t do that just yet. I kind of like having money to pay the bills.”

“Does that mean you’ll take me back?”

“How about a compromise?”

I groan and drop my head into her neck, inhaling her scent. “Go on?”

“How about we rip up the contract and you live with me at my new apartment until we find a new place?”



“Yes, really. Now give me that mouth, woman.”

I capture her lips in a hungry kiss that cements the deal of a lifetime. Finally, it feels like I’m right where I’m meant to be and with the woman who was always meant to be mine.

“Fuck, I’ve missed that mouth.”

“Oh yeah, what else have you missed?”

“Why don’t I lock the door and show you?”

Epilogue: Lottie

It had takensix months for us to find the perfect home but the second we’d seen this one in the waterside development of Sandy Hills both Linc and I had fallen in love. Set on four acres, it had its own pool overlooking Hempstead Bay and was built in such a way that all the rooms overlooked the bay too. Open plan, with light flooring and high open ceilings, giving the place a feeling of space and freedom. The fact it was huge helped, as did the large windows.

“Lottie, where do you want this bookshelf positioned?”

I turn from where I’m admiring the view to admire my husband instead. He’s dressed in old jeans and a white tee, which make him look good enough to eat. A growl tears from him as he stalks towards me.

“Don’t look at me like that, sweetheart, or I’m going to give the movers out there a show.”

I wrap my arms and legs around him as he lifts me in the air, cupping my ass, and twirls me around, making me laugh. “Oh yeah?”

His head nuzzles my neck and I feel my body respond as it always does when he touches me. I’m a slave to my needs when it comes to Linc and he knows how to satisfy every single one of them.

He sinks onto the couch as the sounds of our friends and family moving about helping us get settled in float around me. I’d never imagined this could be my life, that I could be loved and accepted and showered with joy but every day Linc proves to me that I was right to take a chance on him.

Not a day goes by where he doesn’t give me a reason to love him more and it has nothing to do with the wild extravagance he showers on me at every opportunity. He’s disgustingly rich, with more zeros in his, sorry, our bank account than he could ever spend. He’s always whisking me away by helicopter for a meal in an exclusive restaurant or buying me jewels and designer clothes, but it’s the small things and the quiet moments that mean the most to me.

Like the night he’d learned to cook Eric’s favorite diabetic cookies or the way he’d rub my feet after a long day spent with Audrey at Love Books. That he goes out of his way to buy me the pastries he knows I love, and makes sure the bathroom is always stocked with my favorite lotions and potions without me ever having to ask.

Those are the things that show me who he is. To the rest of the world, he was, and will always be, the cold untouchable billionaire, but to me and those he loves, he’s just Linc, a man who’ll move mountains for those he loves.

“Where did your head go?”
