Page 19 of The Unexpected

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The sudden thought strikes me that I’ve interrupted a date or a hook-up of some kind and it makes me feel sick but I can’t let him hear how upset that makes me. Not if I want our relationship back on steady ground and I do.

“Oh, yeah, sure. Of course. Honestly, if it’s not convenient, I have Norrie and Harrison and Linc and Lottie helping out, so you can go back to whatever it was you were doing. I don’t want to interrupt.”


I almost shudder at the snap in his voice, but I force the warm feeling away. “Yes?”

“I’m just at the dentist having a check-up, but as soon as I’m done, I’ll be there. Do you want me to meet you at your place or at the new one?”

Relief swamps me, and I sag to the bed, but I don’t want to examine that too much. “Meet me at the new place. You have the address?”

“Yes, of course. I’ll see you soon.”

“Thanks, Beck.”

“Anytime, Tinkerbell.”

I roll my lips to hide my smile as I load my car up with the boxes I can fit in it and head out to my new apartment. It’s luxurious and extravagant, and definitely a little over the top, but I’ve never spent a cent of the trust fund my grandparents left me and this is an investment. A property in this building will only ever grow in value. I still have to find a job, but after everything that happened in London, I needed time to think and re-evaluate my future.

I drive across town to my new apartment building and park as close as I can get. I’m lucky to snag a space and quickly grab as much as I can carry.

I’m so busy juggling the box in my arms and thinking about things better left alone that I don’t notice the huge hunk of muscle I’m backing into until I hit a solid wall of flesh. I gasp and teeter on the sidewalk, trying to hold the box of glasses and remain on my feet. Big hands reach out to steady me, holding me until my feet are solidly underneath me again.

I turn, looking up and up, until I meet the brightest blue eyes and the sexy smile that has graced more than one of my dreams this week.

Xander Reynolds in all his magnificent glory.

He’s dressed like he just came back from the gym, his huge arms on display and sweat slicking his tan skin. “Xander?”

His smile widens as he reaches to take the box from me and I let him. I’m too stunned by him being here to stop him or to remember I’m mad at him.

“Amelia, nice to see you.”

“Um, you too.”

His chuckle is deep, and it makes me cross my arms to hide the way it makes my body react. The box looks tiny in his hands. I can’t help remembering how they felt holding me, his big palm dwarfing mine, and my brain goes off on a dirty little tangent as I imagine how the rest of him might be built. Feeling it was one thing, seeing it would be another thing altogether. My eyes fall over him, and I think athletic shorts are my new favorite attire. He fills them with his powerful thighs and the hint of what he’s packing makes my breath hitch.

He clears his throat and I snatch my hand back when I see him grinning as if he knows every horny thought in my head. A blush creeps up my cheeks and I curse my pale skin which leaves no room for hiding a single second of it.

“You’re mad at me.”

It’s a statement and I see no reason to respond, even though my brain is half full of lust now, not anger, but I can’t keep the words from slipping past my lips. “Not at all. I love two grown men fighting over me like I’m the sausage roll at a cheap buffet.”

He nods slowly and I tilt my chin up, standing my ground. Might as well get this out now that fate has decided it’s time.

“You’re right. I owe you an apology. I’m sincerely sorry for the way I behaved. I don’t know what got into me, but it’s no excuse. I was out of line, and I’d fall at your feet and beg forgiveness, but I don’t want to smash whatever is in this box.”

Well, damn, he took the wind right out of my sails. I was expecting him to make excuses or say I was overreacting, and he didn’t. His apology was heartfelt, and he does seem contrite. “Fine, apology accepted.”

He blows out a breath and he looks relieved that I didn’t make him suffer. Audrey would have, but Norrie and Lottie are more like me, soft and maybe a little too forgiving but I see no reason to drag out an argument. Life is too short for bitterness.

“So, are you visiting or…”

I smile, grateful that he’s changed the subject. “I’m moving in actually. I just bought the suite under the penthouse.”

His blue eyes seem to almost twinkle. “I’ll be on top of you then.”

My body goes hot at the thought, and I can’t say I’m not on board with that idea, but I still laugh and tease him. “A little forward, don’t you think? We haven’t even had our date yet.”
