Page 41 of The Unexpected

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The small hurt sound of her voice makes me pause and see this from her point of view. She doesn’t know how I feel about her and it’s not fair for me to behave this way with her. Above all else, I love Amelia and need her in my life, even if that is only as my friend, and I’m hurting her with my behavior. She’s the last person I ever want to cause pain. I touch her shoulder and she spins around, burying her face in my chest and hugging me tight. Her nose is buried in my tee and I cup her head, sifting her silky hair through my fingers.

“I’m sorry, Tink. I really am, and Xander is a good guy. I like him for you.”

That’s the truth too. I do like him for Amelia. He obviously likes her and I’ve seen enough at the club to know what kind of man he is. “How about I put that shelf up and then I make us dinner and we pig out on crap for the afternoon and watch old Hitchcock movies?”

Amelia and I both have a thing for old horror movies.

Her smile is watery, and I thumb away her tears, each one cutting a path straight to my heart.

“Okay, but I want meatball subs, not tacos.”

I kiss her temple. “You got it.”

I release her and bend my knees so I can look into her eyes. “We good?”


“Good, now tell me about your date.”


I walk back to her bedroom, and she follows. “I’m serious, I want to know.”

“Fine. He got us tickets to the Professor Keating dinner at Harvard.”

I whistle through my teeth. “Wow, impressive. How was it?”

She claps her hands and grins dreamily and as much as I want to hate the guy for having the girl I love, I can’t hate anyone that can put that smile on her face.

“Amazing. Professor Keating talked about the Athena mission and went into detail about the next steps. I sat next to Dr. Scholtz who was the lead scientist at Cern and worked on the Hadron Collider. He was so sweet and then I got to meet Professor Keating in person one on one, and he’s so brilliant. We danced, the food was amazing too, and Xander was so patient and sweet with me and he didn’t get bored. Or at least he hid it well if he did.”

Seeing her so fired up with passion again is like being hit by the first ray of sunshine after a dark and cold winter. Amelia is brilliant and watching her enthuse about what she loves makes me sick that she walked away from it in the first place.

“And he got you hyacinths.”

“And he got me hyacinths.”

She sighs and I grin at her. “So, are you going out again?”

Amelia frowns. “I’m not sure. He said he’d call.”

I grind my teeth together not liking that standard line he left her with. If he fucks her around, I’m going to break that motherfuckers jaw. I don’t care how good he is at sucking cock.

“I’m sure he will. It was only last night, right?”


I turn, focusing on the shelf as Amelia helps me hold the bracket. Before long we have two floating shelves on the wall and her old study books stacked in height order, next to theFeynman Lecturesbooks I bought her for her birthday a few years ago. I stand back and nod at my handy work. “Not bad.”

“Great job, thank you.”

I look at the bed and notice the bedding is different. Did she change them out already after a few days? Then it hits me why she’d change her sheets and the images in my head make my dick perk up in attention. No, I can’t get a hard-on from imagining her and Xander fucking. What the hell is wrong with me? “So, have you applied for schools yet?”

I change the subject and head out of the bedroom toward the kitchen where I shove my head in the fridge and look for the ingredients I need for meatball subs.

“Not yet. I want to do a little more research first.”

I pause and lean back to look at her. “You are going back though?”
