Page 61 of The Unexpected

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I take a sip of my soda at Ryker’s question and shrug. “I love my job, and how I get to help people switch off from real life for a few hours while they enjoy a movie but like all things, it has its drawbacks.”

“Privacy I’m guessing.”

I nod. “Yeah, that and expectations. People think they know me when in reality they know the character. I get some very creepy emails and I have a whole team who monitor my social media and my fan mail. It’s a lot. Crazy fans are far outweighed by the amazing ones though.”

Ryker bobs his head in agreement. “That’s one of the things we’re working on now. How to filter spam messages so we can better protect people. Not just the famous ones but young people too.”

“That’s good to hear. Don’t get me wrong, I know how lucky I am being able to do what I love, but my life isn’t necessarily my own.”

“That must be hard.”

“It is, but it’s harder on the people I care about.” I glance at Beck and Amelia, feeling the weight of those words. Amelia shifts so she’s sitting across my lap, her arms around my neck as she cuddles into me.

“We’re fine. The people who care about you understand.”

Beck nods beside her and I feel this overwhelming rush of emotion for them both. Acceptance has always been something I’ve struggled with and I can’t really pinpoint why. My parents loved me and showed affection, but I guess I always knew my sexuality would be an issue for them. Especially my dad, who had very strong opinions on homosexuality. Here though, I feel relaxed as if whatever is said won’t be judged.

“You ever think about other roles? Those stunts must be hell on your body.”

I laugh as Ryker eases the subject change into easier less heavy territory. “Fuck, yeah, the last shoot almost killed me. I blacked out after a long day halfway up a cliff face. Luckily I was strapped in and the worst I got was a graze where my cheek hit the rock. I’d actually like to do something more serious, maybe an indie film if I can find the right script or idea.”

I feel Beck tense beside me and turn to offer him a reassuring smile. “I got checked out and they think I was just dehydrated.”

He nods but I can see the cogs working in his medical brain and know this conversation isn’t over.

“So, what kind of movie would you want to do?”

“Maybe a thriller or something that involves my shirt staying on would be nice.”

Ryker clicks his fingers. “Oh, I have just the thing for you.”

“Ryk, don’t you dare start sending him shit your friends wrote.”

I wave at Beck. “It’s fine, I don’t mind.” And I don’t. I know that most great ideas come from luck, and I don’t trust Len to do what I asked of him because his cut would be substantially less on a budget movie. “Send it over and I’ll take a look.”

“Yeah, I will.”

“Food’s ready,” Norrie hollers.

My stomach groans at the smell of the grilled meat and I jump to my feet, lifting Amelia in my arms. She shrieks as I toss her over my shoulder and jog toward the food. I hear her giggle as she slaps my ass.

“Feed me, woman.”

“Xander, I’m going murder you.”

I tip her right side up and she slides down my body with a giggle, her smile is joyous and open, and right in that second, I know I could love this girl. I could fall head over heels, or I could if I wasn’t halfway there already.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to say it but I hold back, it feels too soon, so I kiss her head instead and turn her toward the buffet table Norrie set up. “Murder is a little harsh, wildcat.”

“Maybe.” She grins and I kiss her gently as Audrey makes gagging sounds behind us.

“All this romance and happy couple joy is making me want to vomit.”

I twist to Audrey who’s piling her plate with potato salad. “Green is not your color, Audrey.”

“Oh, please. I’m not jealous, I’m nauseous.”

“That might be my wife’s cookies,” Harrison shouts from where he’s manning the grill.
