Page 60 of The Unexpected

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We both turn at the snap in Beck’s voice to see him standing in the doorway, looking like sin on a stick. Neither Harrison nor I had heard him come into the house from the front. His expression is tight, his eyes cool as his voice whips with fury. He moves closer to me but his gaze is on Harrison, and this protective, alpha thing is hot but unnecessary. I don’t need his protection, especially from my brother-in-law but I can’t say I don’t find it hot as fuck.

“I was just trying to be a good friend.” Harrison defends himself as he walks up to me, burgers in one hand and takes a sleepy Isaac from my arms in the other, and heads outside.

Beck steps in close and I can feel the heat of his body and the tension rippling over him.

“Are you okay?”

He grips the back of my neck, his thumb caressing my cheek and causing a frisson of sensation to tingle up my spine. “You good?”

I grip his hip and feel the tension in his body. Beck is like a coiled ball of energy and I circle my thumb over his hip as if to soothe him. The edge of his t-shirt lifts until I can feel warm skin and hard muscles. God, what this man does to me, and with the way he’s wearing a backward baseball cap when he’s usually in suits or scrubs, my dick is hard and needy already. Beck is a fucking smoke show and he knows it.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Harry was just being a good friend to you.”

Beck growls and it makes me so hard I barely repress the groan. Jesus, who knew that Alpha Beck was so hot.

“He had no right.”

“He was looking out for you. I’m glad he said it and he’s right. This is hard on you, and I want you to know I see that.”

Beck shakes his head but doesn’t release his hold on me and I love the possessiveness of it. He’s claiming me here, in front of his friends who have a direct line of sight from the yard.

“I’m fine. I chose this. It’s what I want.”

I pull him closer and feel the hard ridge of his erection brush my cock. My eyes fall closed, and I swallow the moan.

“Look at me.”

My eyes open at his sharp demand and I know I’m fucked because this man could ask anything of me, and I would agree. He owns my body completely as if it’s his to command.

“I choose you, both of you.”

I smirk to ease the seriousness of the moment. “You’re so getting your cock sucked later.”

His lips come to my ear, and I feel his warm breath tease my skin. “And what if I want your cock in my mouth?”

My knees want to buckle at the image of Beck on his knees for me. “Fuck.”

I break away and slam my mouth on his, taking control and twisting my tongue around his, tasting him and letting the feelings he evokes claim me. Our kisses are always a silent battle, raw with passion and aggression and I fucking love it. I pull away and his eyes twinkle with light, the tension I felt easing up.

“Well, I guess that gets the PDA out of the way.”

I chuckle and release him, turning to hand him Amelia’s drink. “Will you give this to Amelia and I’ll bring ours out in a second?”

Beck smirks and looks down at my dick that’s pressed against the athletic shorts I’m wearing. This is a family affair with kids present, which involves us all relaxing and not having to put on any airs or graces. I thought shorts and a T-shirt would be fine, but I didn’t consider being surrounded by two of the hottest people on the planet and what that would do to me. I need a minute to calm down so I don’t get throat punched by Lincoln for flashing my cock in front of his kid.

“Need some help with that?”

I shake my head and shove him out the door. “Go. Amelia missed you this morning.”

I see his eyes go soft at the sound of her name as he walks away and my chest hollows out. I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people more right for each other. Them allowing me in is a privilege and I won’t forget that.

When my erection has finally subsided, I head out into the backyard where Beck is sitting on the grass with Amelia curled up between his legs. They look perfect like they’ve been together forever, not just days. The connection between them is easy, and the familiarity in the way they interact and speak. It should make me jealous, but I don’t get that feeling because the instant they spot me, Beck waves me over and Amelia gives me a flirty smile that threatens to take my knees from me. Len would blow a gasket if he had any inkling about this, but he doesn’t and that is how it will stay. My mood slips a little at the thought of my manager and the constant texts for an update about me and Amelia that I keep ignoring.

I pass Beck his beer and sit beside them as Ryker regales them with a story about his latest app and how it’s going to take the dating world by storm. I don’t know him that well but what I do know is that he’s easygoing, fun, and could walk onto any movie set and make women and men swoon with just a flirty look and few words. Ryker seems to be the most relaxed of the group of friends, always there with a joke or a laugh, charming everyone with his wit.

I glance toward Beck as I feel his little finger touch mine on the ground between us. He winks and my insides tilt like I just dove off a cliff or rode a rollercoaster. Amelia moves her legs so she’s sitting between Beck’s thighs but her calves are resting on my lap and I stroke her soft skin. She’s claiming me too and it feels good to be wanted for me.

“So come on, Xander, tell us what it’s like being such a huge star.”
