Page 70 of The Unexpected

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He follows me to a smaller piano more suited to her space and I play a rendition of Clocks by Coldplay. Xander starts to bob his head, singing along and he has a good voice, deep and sexy. I smile as we draw a crowd, losing myself in this moment with him. As we finish we realize we’ve drawn quite the crowd and I give an embarrassed smile as Xander bows, ever the showman.

“Thank you, thank you.”

I leave him to sign a few autographs and finalize my purchase, arranging delivery for a time when I know I’ll be home. I pause at that. It does feel like home and makes me want to take that next step with them both. I know it’s too soon, even though we spend every night together unless I have a patient that needs me.

Back in the car, I drive us toward my favorite sushi place.

“Is it weird that you playing piano turned me on?”

I glance at Xander, as he turns toward me and I glance at his lap and see he’s not lying. “No, it was hot hearing you sing. I never knew you could.”

“Yeah, I don’t sing a lot. It’s more of a hobby.”

“You should do a musical. You have a great voice.”

Xander laughs. “Jesus, Len would have a conniption.”

“Len is a dick.”

I don’t know a lot but I know enough to know Len is mostly looking out for himself, not the man beside me. He may have helped get him where he is, but now he’s choking his creativity and I don’t like it.

Xander sighs. “I know, but he’s been good to me.”

I bite my tongue because Xander and I have spoken a little about this and I know he feels torn. He’s loyal to a fault, and I know that’s one of his biggest strengths but it’s hurting him in this instance and I don’t want to cause him more anxiety by bringing it up.

“He’s a dick, but without him, I’d be nothing.”

“Bullshit. You’re an amazing actor, your fans love you. Yes, he guided you, but he wouldn’t have been able to do that if you were no good or if you weren’t the consummate professional you are.” I realize I sound angry and I gentle my tone. Even though I know he can take it, he’s more sensitive than he lets on. It’s one of the things I’m drawn to about him.

“There’s a reason directors ask to work with you, Xander. It’s because of who you are.”

I feel his eyes on me, as I park the car, and turn slightly to meet his gaze.

“You really like me.”

My eyes bug. “Well, duh. I don’t let just anyone suck my cock.” I lighten the mood because suddenly everything feels heavy between us and I don’t want to reveal too much with things like they are. I’m falling for him but I can’t allow myself to really let go when I’m a dirty secret. Xander lets it go and winks, making my dick twitch.

“Not strictly true. You own a sex club.”

“An exclusive one. We don’t let the riff-raff in. Although we let you in so maybe I need to speak to Harrison about standards slipping.”

His deep chuckle bursts out of his chest and I smile in return. “Ouch, that was low, but maybe fair.”

I exit the car and meet him near the front, desperate to take his hand and fighting the urge, so I shove them in my pockets.

“Nah, you’re good. I like the way you look on your knees so you can stay.”

This time he holds the door for me as we head inside and order enough food for the three of us. Amelia is busy writing a paper as part of her application, which is why she didn’t come with us. I’m so damn proud of her for going back to school, and her parents were supportive when she finally told them, which I love.

“You think she listened to our demand?” I ask as we get back in the car and head home.

Xander raises a brow and smirks. “I sure hope she did.”

Last night I told Amelia that when she’s home I don’t want her wearing underwear. I wanted her pussy bare so we could fuck her whenever we pleased. I wouldn’t have made the demand but when I broached it, she was drenched with need at the idea, so I knew she wanted it too. Now we find out if she kept her promise to us and what the punishment might be if she didn’t.

“Yeah, I half hope she didn’t.”

“You have a fucking dirty mind.”
