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Nick groaned, “Oh, fuck me.”

On Martin’s part, the heat of Nick was almost his undoing. After the aborted blow job, he wasn’t sure how much control he had left. Maybe none. A bead of sweat dripped down the side of his face as his throbbing cock made its way further inside Nick.

“Nick.” Martin wasn’t sure if he was begging or demanding.

Fully seated, Nick opened his eyes and smiled down at Martin. Then he began to move his body. Needing something—anything—to hold on to, Martin grabbed Nick’s hips, helping him move while Martin moved inside him.

“You feel incredible,” Martin gasped as Nick arched his back, and Martin forced his hips upward against gravity while Nick’s body writhed and shuddered over him.

Releasing one hand from Nick’s hip, Martin grasped the heavy cock bouncing in front of him. Precome leaked onto his chest, forming almost a puddle. Nick stared down at him through half-closed eyes.

“Yessss, please.” Nick’s voice was low, almost a whisper.

Wrapping his fingers around Nick’s cock, Martin began to pump it. He could tell from the iron-hard feel of it in his hand that Nick was almost there. He pumped it only a few more times, adding a twist and using one long finger to caress Nick’s tight balls.

Nick shouted, his hole clenching around Martin. He stiffened and threw his head back, his eyes shutting again, as come shot out his dick and soaked Martin’s chest. The come and the wild abandon that was so unlike Nick Waugh sent Martin flying right over the edge after him.


Fact: Washington State has a wide variety of rocks and a plethora of fossils, including crinoids, clams, trilobites, snails, corals, and at least one dinosaur. The state also has abundant petrified wood, which is the Washington State Gem, and has had over 40 Columbian Mammoth discoveries, which is the Washington State Fossil.

Martin Purdy was no fossil.

That’s all Nick could think as he lay in the dark and stared up at the ceiling of Martin’s bedroom. He would’ve left, but there didn’t seem a point when leaving only meant walking fifteen feet and then trying to sleep on a couch not meant for that activity. A couch that was trying to kill him. And his ass ached; otherwise, he’d consider the floor.

So here Nick was, staring into the dark and wondering if maybe he had just done the stupidest thing in his life. Ever. More ridiculous than overreacting, emptying his bank account, and fleeing the country. Funny enough—he huffed a quiet laugh—that had also been associated with Martin Purdy.

Martin was asleep, his breathing soft and rhythmic. The man fucked like a godanddidn’t snore. There was just so much for Nick to unpack, he didn’t know where to begin. He’d had sex with the man he’d spent a good decade blaming for his life choices.

And he’d do it again if offered the chance.

After cleaning them both up, Martin had crawled back into bed and settled on the window side, leaving Nicknot trapped atall, but wide fucking awake. He could get up and leave anytime he wanted and—well, sleep on a sleeping pad that made him feel like he’d aged eighty years by the time he woke up.

Martin hadn’t even uttered the famous words,We should talk. He’d just rolled onto his side and fucking gone to sleep. Nick was mildly outraged. He didn’twantto talk. He neverwantedto talk, but… wasn’t that what people usually said after an unexpected but fucking incredible bout of sex? He’d wanted Martin to say they should talk so he—Nick—could tell him to fuck off. But Martin had just fucking gone to sleep.

A low growl formed in Nick’s throat. He bit his lips together to keep it from escaping.

Nick wished he could blame the sex on the whiskey, but neither of them had drunk that much. Certainly not enough to have an out-of-body experience involving Nick’s ass and Martin’s—very satisfying—dick. If Nick was going to be honest with himself, he had been hoping that Martin would skip the beach celebrations and stay home.

He’d had dinner with Liam, Forrest, Rufus, and Wanda at the pub. Turned down several invitations to come and join them and the rest of Cooper Springs at the beach. After much unnecessary chitchat about new year shit, he’d finally been on his way back to the resort when he’d seen Martin taking the trail up the bluff. His plan to sack out on the couch with the cat and the Harlan Coben novel he’d picked up at the thrift store had been immediately abandoned.

Tossed aside. Obliterated.

Without dwelling on what he thought he was doing, Nick had taken the path that started at the other end of the cabins and arrived at the top of the bluff at almost the same time as Martin. And damn, there was no denying the man was in good shape. Nick had been breathing harder than Martin after the climb.

And then. Well. Then something Nick had only imagined happening in his wildest fantasy had happened and had progressed at lightning speed. Zero to sixty in under three seconds. To be honest, he’d followed Martin with the express intention of engineering exactly what had happened although he hadn’t expected it to be a fucking tidal wave that he had been unable—and hadn’t wanted—to escape.

Flopping over onto his side, Nick faced Martin’s back and his wide, strong shoulders. He was briefly tempted to scoot a little closer.

Probably he should ease out from under the covers and head to the sleeping pad.He would just lie here a little longer.

When Nick opened his eyes again, it was daylight and Kitten was curled up next to him. He was stretched out on his stomach—clearly, his body was happy not to be on the floor. Hissing and clinking sounds that Nick was now familiar with came from the kitchen. Martin was up and already puttering around.

He was debating getting up and trying to find his clothes when Martin padded back into the bedroom carrying a steaming mug.

“Ready for coffee?” Martin asked.

He sat up and dislodged Kitten in the process. She hopped off the bed and departed, her tail stiff with indignation. Nick nodded, managing a hoarse, “Thanks.” Martin set the cup on the bedside table. The drawer hadn’t been shut all the way, so the bottle of lube lay in plain sight.
