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Martin caught the direction of Nick’s gaze and a slight smile played across his lips, but all he said was, “Breakfast will be ready in about ten minutes, if you want to shower or anything.”


“New Year’s breakfast. Gotta start the year off right.”

Nick nodded, not really knowing what to think about a New Year’s breakfast. Or Martin continuing to accept his presence without question. The longer he stayed with Martin, the softer Nick got. He needed to remind himself that the world was not kind and especially not kind to the likes of Nick Waugh.

“Blueberry waffles, maple syrup, and, if you’re lucky, I’ll save you a vegetarian sausage patty.”

Nick’s stomach growled, and Martin shot him a grin. Damn, that was a dangerous smile. Apparently, Nick was going to remind himself about the ways of the world at a later time.

“So, what’s the plan today?” Nick asked around a bite of the best waffle he’d ever had. He’d managed a shower and found his jeans tossed over the arm of the couch.

Martin glanced out the window, and so did Nick. The sun was shining and there were only a few clouds overhead. It would be cold, but it didn’t seem like there was a chance of rain.

“Since the weather is holding and the rest of the panels finally arrived, I really want to get the roof to Cabin Five finished. But the guys aren’t coming today, so we should just take the day off.”

“Seems a shame to waste a decent day’s weather.” Nick wasn’t sure how he felt abouthiscabin coming closer to being livable. It gave him a twitchy feeling in his stomach.

Martin waggled his head in semi-disagreement. “I suppose. But the weather is supposed to hold all week, so executive decision. Day off, it is. I didn’t change my life just to work day in and day out. So,” he finished, pointing his fork at Nick, “what is there to do?”

There wasn’t much to do on New Year’s Day in or around Cooper Springs. Except—

“Not the fucking Polar Bear Swim that Forrest was going on about. I like my balls the way they are. I don’t want them permanently retreating into my body.”

“Noted. No Polar Bear Swim. Maybe next year.”

“I’d have to lose a major bet for that to happen. No way.”

Martin just smiled and popped another bite of waffle into his mouth.

Looking out the window, Nick’s gaze snagged on the evergreen trees near the bottom of the slope that made up the backside of the bluff. Martin walked up there almost every day.

“One of us should get the stuff we left up the hill last night,” Nick said.

“Already taken care of,” Martin replied, nodding in the direction of the sink.

Nick saw the thermos propped in the dish drainer. Martin had already been up and back. Just how long had Martin been awake? And Nick had been so deeply asleep he hadn’t heard him moving around. When was the last time he’d slept that hard?

“There’s Crook’s Trail,” Nick offered. Crook’s Trail was the gem trail in the region. During the summer months, it drew ardent hikers and backpackers to Cooper Springs.

Martin looked interested. “Is it doable this time of year? With all the rain we’ve had?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty well maintained. There’s a great viewpoint about three miles in, where the forest sort of parts and you can see all the way to the ocean and down the coast towards Ocean Shores and Westport too. It’s pretty cool. I wouldn’t go all the way to the lakes alone if I were you, but yeah, it’s doable.”

“It’s a good thing I’m not going alone, then. You’re going with me,” Martin informed him.

Nick blinked. “What? No.”

“Yes. You wouldn’t want the old man disappearing in the wilds, would you? I need a hiking buddy and I gave you the day off. Therefore, you’re coming with me. And don’t try telling me you don’t have any hiking gear because I’ve seen your stuff, and that’s about all you have.”


“Finish your breakfast and get ready,” Martin said authoritatively. “I’ll make some grub for us to take along.”

Nick blinked again, unsure exactly how he’d ended up being bossed around by Martin Purdy. He opened his mouth to tell Martin to fuck off, or something equally astounding, but instead what came out was, “Not peanut butter. I hate peanut butter.”

“Noted. Now go get properly dressed.”
