Page 63 of Below Grade

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A hand landed on his thigh, grounding him. Nick didn’t have to look down to know it was Martin’s. He liked it there, he liked that Martin’s touch calmed him. He didn’t need a lot of fancy words. Fucking hell.

Martin leaned in to speak quietly. His lips brushed against the shell of Nick’s ear, sending a jolt of lust directly to his cock. “You can stay with me as long as you want. I like having you around.”

Nick opened his mouth to retort with something pithy like,You’re the only one,but Martin squeezed his thigh—hard—and Nick snapped his lips shut. As if they were starring in some stupid Hallmark movie, sounds seemed to fade away. It was just the two of them.

The only person Nick was aware of was Martin. His hand on Nick’s thigh, the weight of it, the promise.Fucking, fucking hell. He’d let himself fall in love with Martin Purdy. Staring into Martin’s eyes, Nick waited for the panic to reappear. He needed to be panicking, he should be running fast and far. Hecouldn’tlove anyone. Love was a most dangerous emotion.

There was no panic.

This wouldn’t last. It couldn’t. Right? Martin squeezed his thigh again, a bit softer this time, and winked. “Whatever happens, it’s all good.”

How did Martin know the words that would keep Nick sitting right where he was instead of panicking?

“Here’s that soup, Nico,” Magnus said, setting the bowl down in front of him. “And the grilled cheese and onion for you, Martin. So,” he said with an over-the-top smile, “are you taking Nero in?”

Kitten perched on the front windowsill, watching Martin and Nick approach. She was a smart little thing. When they got to the door, she jumped down, and they were greeted with meows that were too loud for her tiny body.

“Somebody’s hungry,” Martin commented as Kitten waltzed across to her empty food dish. “How about you take care of her highness and I’ll find the keys so we can move one of the beds into Five?”

The new mattresses and bed frames had arrived the week before and for the time being were stored in Cabins Two and Three.



“Jane. Her name is Jane.”

Martin eyed him. “Why Jane?”

“Jane Doe is her full name, but Jane for short.”

“I like it. Look,” Martin began, “Nero will be here tomorrow and we need to get the cabin set up. We don’t have time for all I want to do right now.”

“Does part of that involve a shower?” Nick asked.

“Yes,” Martin smiled wickedly, “but that part of the evening will have to wait. I feel a tiniest bit bad about letting Magnus steamroll you back there.” He shrugged. “I do like having you here.” He stepped closer. “I like being with you, Nick. I likeyou.”

Nick frowned. He needed to tell Martin how wrong he was, that Nick was a bad bet.

“Ah, ah. Nope.” Martin lay his index finger across Nick’s lips. “I like you, Nick, as you are. I like the grouchy, argumentative bits and the less obvious bit that rescued a kitten. I like that brain of yours, how you think and solve problems. How much you care even if you try to hide it.”

“You like my cock,” Nick said, arching against him, unable to stand the compliments any longer.

“Yes, Nick, your cock and the rest of you. Just as you are.” Martin grasped Nick’s hips, holding him captive. “My cock definitely likes your cock.” He looked over Nick’s shoulder. “But right now, company is arriving soon, and”—giving Nick’s hip one last squeeze—“I just needed to make sure you understand that being with you isn’t a hardship. It isn’t something I’m enduring. It’s something I want.”

He kissed Nick then. It wasn’t a generic peck. It was a full-on soul-claiming kiss that left Nick breathless and hard.

When he could breathe again, Nick stepped back so he could adjust himself. “You’re sure you don’t have a brain injury? Old age, maybe?”

If he’d meant to insult Martin, it didn’t work. Martin just laughed and kissed Nick again.

“For one, I’m not that much older than you, and for two, you make me feel younger than I have in years. Before you, before Cooper Springs, I was just existing. Now I’m living.”

“I’m a moody fucker,” he reminded Martin.

Martin widened his eyes in mock surprise. “No? Really?”

“Fuck off,” Nick retorted, but he meant it in an almost loving way
