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“Better isn’t a word that applies to these movies,” Nick clarified. “It’s a matter of nuance.”

“Nuance, my ass.”

Martin walked around to meet Nick in front of the car.

“I’ll nuance your ass,” Nick informed him, “but it will have to be after the movies. We need to get checked in and eat dinner before that. Andsomebodyis going to have to be quieter than usual. We’re sleeping in a yurt.”

“Hey,” Martin protested, “I’m quiet.”

Grabbing his hand, Nick said, “I love you, babe, but you are not quiet.”

Martin’s healed and awakened heart pounded against his ribs. Nick had never said those words before. Martin believed Nick loved him, but hearing the words was different.

“I love you too, Nico.”

Nick smiled and simply replied, “I know.”

* * *
