Page 42 of Dying Without You

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Lisa opened the message and responded.

Do I want to tell you to go on?

Tina sent a laughing emoji.

You can’t be scared of us when you’re usually the one with questions for us.

I’m listening.

Is there something going on between you and Langston?


Chelsea posted an emoji gasping, and Lisa giggled.

Do you see how she just lied to us?

Tina typed.

Why are you being so dramatic?

Lisa asked.

Wow. You’re going to keep this up?

Chelsea added.

I have no idea what you two are going on about. There’s nothing happening between Langston and me and I would be the first person to tell you if there was.

Lisa bit down on her lip, the fib flying off her tongue like truth.

So then this picture of you and Langston in the newspaper outside your home is my eyes playing tricks on me?

Tina asked.

Shit. She was busted.

Which newspaper?

None of that matters!

Chelsea added.

Lisa pursed her lips.

It’s not what it looks like. We’re friends.

Before you tell another lie, go get the newspaper that is delivered to your front door daily.

Lisa smirked and left the kitchen. At the front door, she reached down, grabbed her newspaper, and opened it as she kicked the door closed and made her way back to the kitchen.

“Oh, my God…” She stopped walking, her eyes glued to the picture of Langston leaning against his car and Lisa standing between his legs in a tight embrace.

Heat rose in her cheeks. She looked relaxed, and so did he.

“Is that how we look?”

Adoration was washed over their faces. There was no way anyone would believe they were just friends, and the headline made her mouth drop even more.
