Page 77 of Dying Without You

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“Shit. Why didn’t I think of this before? I knew there was something I was missing.” He removed his cell phone and dialed an international number.

“How important is your call?” the woman answered.

“World catastrophe important,” Langston answered. “I need to speak to Dalila Maceo immediately.”

Silence filtered through the line, then the woman came back to the phone. “Dalila will call you back from an encrypted number.”

The call ended abruptly.

A few seconds later, his phone rang.


“Good morning, good evening, or good afternoon, Mr. Clark. What’s your emergency?”

“This is something that requires us to be face-to-face, Ms. Maceo.”

Dalila hesitated. “Be on the next flight out to Null Island. Use your jet, land in the designated area, and take our helicopter to the submarine landing.”

“We’re on our way.”


“Tristan and Malik are coming with me.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

The line dropped, and Langston shoved his phone in his pocket.

“That was a smart-ass move, Langston,” Malik said.

“Damn right,” Tristan agreed.

“Are you fellas ready to take a ride with me?”

“What do you think?”

They left, and didn’t have to go far to get to their private jet.

Remembering he had information to relay up the chain of command, Langston contacted Spencer about the partial plate.

“If you say whatever you’re about to do is important to the case, then I believe you. But I don’t like being left in the dark, Clark.”

“I understand. But you trust me, don’t you, boss?”

Spencer inhaled a deep breath. “This better not be illegal.”

“What kind of man do you take me for?”

“A desperate one.”

Langston hesitated. “You’ve got me there. I think we’re not only close to solving this case, but getting the women back home safe. But we’ve got to move fast.”

“I’ll take care of the plate. You come back with some information.”

“I don’t plan to return until I do.”

* * *
