Page 79 of Dying Without You

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Langston felt a surge of anger rise through his veins. “Do you hear yourself? I’m coming to you with the got-damn details so we can get in front of this thing! The Western world is the strongest government there is—if other governments think we’ve fallen, even for a second, what will stop this rogue group from raining hell on everyone else?”

Dalila’s nostril flared.

“Why don’t you want to help us?” Tristan asked.

“I do. It’s not.” She paused, and Malik spoke up.

“You were there to keep me from dying on my last mission. I saw you. You intervened when that mission had nothing to do with a global threat. But now you say you can’t help us.”

“That was approved and spearheaded by the council to keep you safe because you’re an asset, and we needed you to know you could trust us.”

“So whenever it suits the Elite Alliance, you’ll bend the rules but never for anyone else.” There was a slight sneer in Langston’s voice.

“You’re taking this wrong.”

“You are.” Tristan cursed, and Langston shook his head.

“Please, don’t make me beg.”

Dalila locked her jaw, and Tristan shook his head.

“Langston, we’ll figure it out ourselves. We always do.” He moved to Langston and grabbed his arm. “Let’s go.”

Langston swiped his head with a hand and turned to leave.


The men paused and looked back.

“I’ll need the video you have to run the biometric facial recognition through our systems. I don’t need access to the database for that.” She paused. “It might help you discover who they are and their location. But I’ve got to tell you, groups like this don’t operate out of their central headquarters once they’re in the field.”

“That’s enough. We’ve got intel on their possible location, but we need to narrow it down,” Langston said.

“You should be aware,” Dalila continued, “that once you access your email from our servers, we’ll have access to your email. I’m telling you this because the Elite Alliance doesn’t intend to gain access to your government’s classified information, but using our servers automatically grants that access.”

“I’ll change the access when we’re done.”

“Do it when you leave, or else we’ll have that access, too.”

Malik’s brows rose, and Dalila smirked. She opened a laptop sitting on the table and turned it toward Langston.

Langston worked diligently on the laptop, his eyes scanning through lines of code as he worked to retrieve the video footage that Dalila had requested. Tristan and Malik stood back, watching intently as Langston’s fingers flew over the keyboard.

After a few minutes of typing, Langston’s face lit up. “Got it,” he said triumphantly, turning the laptop back toward Dalila.

She leaned in to examine the screen, her eyes sweeping over the footage as she looked for identifying features. “This is good,” she said finally. “We can definitely use this to run a facial recognition search.”

Tristan nodded, looking relieved, and Dalila smirked. “And here, I didn’t think anything could make you smile.”

Tristan smirked. “Get to know me, and you’ll change your mind.”

“If you say so.” Dalila entered her credentials for the facial recognition software and added the video to the software.

“How can this thing find them if their faces are covered?”

“Good question, Malik. Our software can detect anything. It works off variables. For example, we can see these men’s eyes because they aren’t covered. Our computer is running a search on their eyes—the shape, color, brow shape, bone structure of the eye sockets—on the pictures of billions of people. Their physical builds, height, weight, distinguishing features, tattoos, etc., and anything in the background, including these faint letters that I can’t seem to make out.” She peered closely at the screen. “Is this why you’ve been calling them T.M.?”

