Page 80 of Dying Without You

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“That’s definitely a T, but I don’t believe that’s an M. It’s narrowing down now.”

They watched in suspense as the numbers spun in circles, then a green sign and beep flared on the screen.

“We’ve got action,” she said.

They all leaned in, seeing the initials “T.C.”

“T.C.,” they said in unison.

They all glanced at each other. “The Collective,” they said, again in unison.

“Son of a bitch,” Langston cursed.

The Collective was notorious for their attacks on government agencies and corporations. They were known for their skills and ability to remain anonymous in their endeavors.

Langston fisted his hands. “How the fuck do we find them? They are everywhere and nowhere.”

Dalila sucked in a breath. “They have four locations.” She tapped the keys and sent the locations in a digital list to all their devices, then rose to her feet. “As I told you before, groups like this don’t normally work from headquarters when they’re doing their dirty work.”

Looking at the list of locations, Langston snapped his fingers. “And yet, this one on the outskirts of Illinois is thirty miles from the Bustle gas station.”

Tristan and Malik exchanged glances. “That’s it.”

Langston felt a surge of relief, and he pointed at Dalila. “Thank you very fuckin’ much.”

She smiled. “I’m glad I could be of service to you, for once.”

They laughed, because Dalila had repeatedly reached out to them for assistance.

“Twice,” Malik added.

She winked at him, and he winked back.

They were gone within five minutes of getting that information, and Langston was on the phone, already putting together a crew for the rescue mission.



The flight back to the States was long enough for the brothers to rest, and while Langston was able to get a few hours of sleep, his dreams were invaded by Lisa—their love and images of the nightmare she was currently embroiled in.

Though it was a figment of his imagination, the dreams stirred him, and he tossed and turned before finally deciding to get up.

That’s when he noticed the notification on his digital watch.

Your turn.

Langston took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself for the task ahead. He was facing the toughest challenge of his career—keeping the government’s secrets safe while simultaneously getting the love of his life to safety.

Now he was wide awake, and instead of forcing himself to rest, he got down on his knees and prayed, pausing long enough to drink water, stretch, check the cabins to make sure his brothers were still asleep, then pray again.

That went on for the better part of a few hours when he received another notification.

Return to Dunes Café at noon. Come alone.

Langston’s mind raced as he considered the options before him. The idea of going alone was a risky decision, but the depth of his love fueled his determination to rescue Lisa.

“You’re not in this alone.”
