Page 12 of Stolen Angels

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According to Ellie’s text, the father worked construction. Derrick wondered if he’d helped build these. When he’d stopped for coffee on the way back to Crooked Creek, he’d run a quick background search on the Trumans and learned they were recently separated and were financially in dire straits.

That meant if Ava had been abducted, she wasn’t taken for ransom. But if the father didn’t have her, he’d dig deeper in case someone had a vendetta against the family.

According to Truman’s employer, Jasper was taking a couple of days off. Suspicious timing or coincidence?

The driveway was empty.

Derrick strode to the door and rang the bell, then pounded on the door. “FBI, anyone home?” No answer, so he knocked again, then jiggled the door, finding it locked. He looked through the front windows and could make out a living room that was open to the kitchen.

Frustration made him knot his hands. He didn’t have a warrant.

But he could justify going inside by claiming exigent circumstances. After all, every hour that passed when a child was taken decreased the chances of finding her. And it had already been hours.

He examined the neighboring unit and property but didn’t see anyone. Deciding to check the rear, he circled around the side and searched for any signs a child was here. No toys, balls or bikes. The small backyard had been landscaped but was empty.

He climbed the steps to the deck and jiggled the back door. Locked as well. Pulling a credit card from his pocket, he wedged it between the door and lock, jimmying it until the lock released. Then he slipped inside the small entryway.

The sun had disappeared behind the clouds, making the rooms seem darker, and he switched on the light in the kitchen. A stack of bills was piled in a basket on the granite counter and a coffee pot was near the stove. It was clean, with no signs that it had been used today. He checked the trash. Empty.

He moved down the hall, towards two bedrooms and a jack-and-jill bath. The first room held a single bed covered in a Trolls comforter, and a basket of toys and books.

The man’s bedroom held an oak bed and dresser, and in the closet, he spotted work clothes stained with paint and with the name of the construction company on the shirt. Dusty work boots sat on the floor.

He looked for a suitcase but didn’t find one. Had Jasper packed his things, picked up Ava and run off with her?


Honeysuckle Lane

Before Ellie returned to the Truman’s house, she phoned Angelica. She and the tenacious reporter had gotten off to a rocky start when they’d first met, but during the last few months had built a trusting working relationship––especially since they learned they were half-sisters. Angelica was smart, a go-getter, and would do anything for a story.

She could also be discreet and patient, as long as Ellie gave her the exclusive.

“We have a missing child, six-year-old Ava Truman,” Ellie said up front. “I need you to circulate her picture and name on the news ASAP.”

Angelica cut straight to the point. “Do you think she was abducted?”

“I don’t know yet. It’s possible the father has her. We haven’t been able to reach him. But we can’t waste time. She’s been missing since early this morning when she left for the bus stop. Her mother is hysterical.”

“Understandable,” Angelica said. “Details?”

“She left for the bus stop at the corner of Honeysuckle Lane and no one has seen her since. Weighs approximately forty-five pounds, and is about three foot ten. I’ll text you a photo as soon as we hang up.” She paused, then filled Angelica in on the details of her clothing and her backpack. “Post the number for the police station and sheriff’s department in case anyone has seen her or has information on her whereabouts. Captain Hale is handling the Amber Alert and Agent Fox has alerted the airport, train and bus stations and borders.”

They both knew that if a madman had taken Ava, he could be hiding out doing God knows what to her. If he’d already killed her and dumped her body, the miles and miles of forest and rugged terrain would make it difficult if not almost impossible to find her.


Ellie was walking back to the Trumans’ house when Deputy Landrum called.

“Hey,” he said, “I’ve been talking to Ms.Truman’s neighbors. Man across the street said he saw Ava run down the sidewalk this morning, but lost sight of her when she veered around the curve. Lady next door, Dottie Clark, said she didn’t see her, but she did mention that the couple was having marital problems.”

“I know. They were separated,” Ellie replied.

“She said that, too. Said she heard them have some heated arguments. That the father accused Lara of not taking good care of Ava, of leaving her alone sometimes.”

Ellie frowned. “That’s odd. Lara told me she works part-time but was always home when Ava got off the bus.”

“Neighbor was a little batty. Crazy cat lady, cats everywhere. She could have got mixed up,” Heath said.

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