Page 17 of Stolen Angels

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“Did she mention where she was going?”

“Nope. I figured she was hanging out with her boyfriend but didn’t ask.” He gestured toward another waitress in a short skirt and v-neck top that accentuated her large breasts. Her wavy hair was bleached blond and earrings that looked like feathers dangled to her shoulders. “Chanel might know.”

Ellie murmured thanks, then wove through the crowded bar toward the woman. She waited until Chanel finished delivering the mugs of beer then cleared her throat.

“Chanel, I’m Detective Reeves.”

The woman raked her gaze over Ellie and obviously found her appearance lacking. “You need a table?”

“No, just some information. I’m looking for Autumn. The bartender mentioned she was taking a few days off. Do you know where she is?”

The woman twirled a strand of hair around one finger. “She didn’t say where she was going, just that she had a trip planned. She was hoping Jasper’s wife would finally sign the divorce papers so he’d join her.”

Ellie stiffened. “Did she mention anything about his little girl? Were they taking her with them?”

“I have no idea.” Chanel shrugged. “But Autumn wasn’t crazy about children. She said as long as the kid was around, they’d never be free of his wife.”

Ellie’s pulse jumped as an ugly thought slammed into her. Was Autumn capable of getting rid of little Ava?


Shady Springs

After getting her phone number and address from the owner of Haints, Ellie tried calling Autumn, but there was no answer. Ellie left a message, then drove to Autumn’s apartment complex in an area called Shady Springs.

With the mountains as a backdrop, the area was named after the dozens and dozens of live oaks bordering the property that the locals referred to as shade trees during the hot summer months. Birds nested in the Spanish moss which hung like spiderwebs to the ground, adding an almost sinister feel to the surroundings.

The older wooden units needed a fresh lick of paint and the grass was patchy and overrun with weeds. Three teens were hanging out smoking in the parking lot but cast their heads down as she drove past. A few pickup trucks and other vehicles were scattered around, but with the disrepair and cracked windows, many of the units looked vacant.

Two buildings over, though, a new section boasted nicer apartments framed in stone and brick with small yards that looked more well-kept. Autumn’s place was on the end with a yellow door and ferns hanging from the small front porch. Hoping the rain held off, Ellie hurried up to the door.

Disturbed by the possibility that this woman had nefarious intentions towards Ava, Ellie peered through the front window. There was no movement or indication anyone was inside. She pounded the door and identified herself, but it was locked.Damn.She didn’t have a warrant, but Ava’s sweet face haunted her.

Ellie walked around the side of the building, checking windows and the back door. She finally found an unlocked window and looked inside. Seeing that it opened to the laundry room, she pushed it all the way open then hoisted herself up and crawled inside.

She crossed the small laundry room to the hall. A smoky odor of burned bacon wafted from the kitchenette.

She looked around the area, noting two plush bar stools facing a breakfast bar and a sophisticated coffee system occupying one corner. She looked inside the refrigerator for juice boxes or kid-friendly foods but only found a bottle of wine, cheese and a bagged salad.

She checked the one bedroom and found female clothing, silk blouses and designer jeans, stilettos and risqué underwear in the drawers. There were also several shopping bags overflowing with recent purchases and two unopened boxes. It struck Ellie how different Autumn’s lifestyle was from Lara’s, whose life revolved around her daughter.

Clothes and shoes had been tossed around as if Autumn had packed hastily, and Ellie didn’t find a suitcase in the closet.

Because she’d decided to run off with Ava? Or Jasper?

Her phone buzzed. Cord. She quickly connected. “Please tell me you found Ava.”

“I wish I could, but Benji lost track of the scent at the parking lot. I did find the backpack. It had been tossed in the ditch off the main highway at the edge of the park, a couple of miles from the bus stop.”

Ellie squeezed her eyes closed as the possibilities hit her. If Jasper took Ava, why would he toss the backpack or the bunny?

Her gut clenched. The pieces didn’t fit. He would have wanted Ava to have her beloved stuffed animal.

But if someone else had abducted Ava, they might have wanted to get rid of anything that would remind Ava of her home…


Crooked Creek
