Page 33 of Stolen Angels

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Ellie realized he’d been searching all night and texted him thanks. Footsteps clattered around her, and she saw Ms.Eula slide into the corner booth worrying the beads around her neck. While Lola retrieved Ellie’s sausage biscuit, she stepped over to her table. Some of the women in town steered clear of Ms.Eula but Ellie knew the old woman meant no harm.

Ms.Eula’s fingers fumbled with the beads as Ellie approached the table. “I’ve been wondering how you’re managing.”

Ellie shrugged. She wasn’t sure Ms.Eula was talking about her personal life or the case. “I’m just worried about the missing little girl. I… don’t want to be too late this time.”

Ms.Eula squeezed her hand. “The people here are lucky to have you, Ellie girl.”

Ellie wasn’t so sure about that.

Someone cleared their throat behind her, and Ellie felt a hot breath on her neck. “What are you doing now, Detective? Asking advice on your case from a psychic?”

Ellie fisted her hands by her sides and turned to face Bryce’s mother Edwina, the mayor’s wife. Her judgmental tone already condemned Ellie as a failure.

“I’m just saying hello to this nice lady, then I’m headed to the station right now.” Ellie and Ms.Eula exchanged looks, then Ellie straightened. “I have to go.”

She returned to the counter to pick up her order, feeling stares burning into her as she paid.

The mayor’s wife obviously thought Ms.Eula was unstable. Ellie knew different. The old woman might not talk to the dead, but she had grit and did have a sixth sense.

As she stepped outside, an icy wind whipped the tree branches and sent the only traffic light in town swinging back and forth, making fingers of apprehension dance up Ellie’s spine. She turned in a wide arc, the sense that someone was watching washing over her. Clenching her hands by her sides, she searched the faces of the people rushing to their cars and inside the stores to finish their last-minute holiday shopping. Hunched in heavy winter coats, their faces were half-hidden by ski hats and scarves and no one seemed to be making eye contact.

Could one of them be a kidnapper?


Derrick was waiting as Ellie entered the station, his body rigid. “Did McClain and the dogs find anything?”

“Nothing.” She rubbed her gritty eyes.

Angelica and her cameraman rushed in, the reporter signaling they needed an interview.

Ellie grimaced, but she knew she couldn’t ignore the public.

Tom, Angelica’s cameraman, set up and Ellie brushed a hand over her hair to smooth the strands escaping her haphazard ponytail. She always looked a mess next to Angelica.

The reporter gripped the microphone and began her introduction. “With the countdown to Christmas underway, the clock is ticking on finding six-year-old Ava Truman, who disappeared near her house yesterday morning. Police and the FBI are working around the clock to bring this child home to her parents before the holiday and are seeking your help. We are also trying to reach Ava’s father, Jasper, so if you know his whereabouts, please contact the police.”

Ellie tacked her professional mask in place.

“Is it true that a convicted sex offender lived in Ava’s neighborhood?” Angelica asked.

Ellie bit the inside of her cheek to stifle a reaction. Had Bryce leaked it already?

Angelica cleared her throat. “Detective?”

She couldn’t lie or people would totally lose faith in her. Besides, now Angelica had planted the thought in their heads, anyone could easily check public records and learn about Nolan. Better to get ahead of it.

She swallowed hard before she spoke. “Yes, that is true. We questioned him and he denied his involvement. At this time, we have found no evidence that he perpetrated a crime.”

“Did you arrest him?” Angelica asked.

Ellie gritted her teeth. “No. The individual concerned shot himself and is in a coma.” She paused. “But let me remind everyone. We are just beginning this investigation and at this point we have ruled no one out. If you have any information that could help us find this sweet child, please call us ASAP.”

Angelica started to speak, but Ellie shook her head. “Now, excuse me, I need to get to work. Little Ava needs us.” The Trumans would probably be showing up or calling any minute.

She rushed to her office, angry with Angelica, even though she knew that she was just doing her job. Now, not only was Nolan––the only real key they had to finding Ava so far––in danger, but his frail mother might bear the brunt of outrage toward her son.

A second later, Angelica knocked on the door and stepped inside, her expression dark.
