Page 64 of Stolen Angels

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Even though you had differences, she loved you anyway.

“I agree,” Ellie said. “And I can’t wait to welcome a child into our home.” She gestured to the cups and plates on the counter. “As you can see, we’re ready right now.” She pressed a hand to her chest. “We can’t wait to fill the void in a child’s life and in ours.”

Derrick’s eyes brimmed with an intensity Ellie didn’t know how to read. “Just tell us what to do and how soon we can start the process.”

A silence fell between them, and Ellie realized Serena was looking at the photos of the house and the financial information Derrick had provided.

With a pummeling heart, Ellie leaned into Derrick. He hugged her tighter, although she sensed he was on edge just as she was. Their performance might mean the difference between finding Ava and losing her forever.


Serena’s response was quicker than Ellie expected. “Actually,” she said, “I’ve reviewed your file and you’re in luck. We can get started right away.”

Had she run background checks on them or was she simply in a hurry to make a deal?

Serena tapped the folder on her desk. “According to your application, you prefer a girl around five to six years old. I may have the perfect one for you.”

Alarm bells clanged in Ellie’s head. “You do?”

Serena’s lips curled into a smile. “It doesn’t always happen this way, but your timing is spot on. She was in foster care for a while and is looking for her forever home.”

Derrick’s fingers curled around hers. “That sounds wonderful.”

“Oh, my gosh,” Ellie gushed. “Just think, we might have a little girl by Christmas!”

Serena folded her hands on her desk. “I’m glad you’re excited. I need a retainer then I’ll send you a photo.”

Ellie felt sick to her stomach. This woman was presenting the child as if she was merchandise in a catalog.

“I suppose we need to discuss costs,” Derrick said.

“Of course,” Serena said, all business. “The retainer is ten thousand dollars, and the remaining fee, a hundred thousand, must be paid at the time you pick up the child. Does that sound agreeable?”

Ellie forced herself not to react.

“Money is not an object,” Derrick said with confidence. “After all, you can’t put a price on the love of a child.”

“I so agree,” Serena said cheerfully, as if she’d just closed a major sale.

“Will we need to hire a private attorney?” Derrick asked.

“No, no, that won’t be necessary. Our fee covers everything, including the attorney that we use and all the paperwork that needs to be filed.”

Ellie feigned a smile although her lips felt tight. “Perfect. I can’t wait to meet her.”

Derrick wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a conspiratorial hug. “My wife is going to make a wonderful mother.”

Ellie planted a kiss on his cheek for show and felt his quick intake of breath.He just said that as part of the act.

When she pulled back, he gave her a doting smile before turning back to Serena. “Where do I send the retainer?”

“I’ll forward our bank information and you can wire the money directly into it. Then we’ll make arrangements to meet and transfer the little girl to you.” Serena’s smile broadened. “Considering that your information is in order, you can spend Christmas Eve with your new daughter!”

Ellie clapped softly, and Derrick asked the woman to expedite the process, that they would anxiously be awaiting the next steps.

As they disconnected, Derrick grimaced. “Major red flags. They didn’t ask a single question about the house, or education plans, or physicals. No mention of parent-training classes or home visits, nothing like the legitimate adoption agencies require.”

Disgust filled Ellie. “You’re right. Even pet adoption centers conduct more thorough background searches and interviews than this woman.” Ellie scratched her head. “What are we dealing with here, Derrick? A lone kidnapping, or are these people running a trafficking ring?”

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