Page 75 of Stolen Angels

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Twenty minutes later, she veered into the parking lot for Bluff County Hospital’s emergency room. She opened the back door then scooped Daisy into her arms.

“Oh, my gosh,” a nurse gasped as Ellie ran inside with the child.

“Her name is Daisy,” Ellie said. “No visible injuries but she’s traumatized. I need a child psychologist and a pediatrician down here ASAP.”

“Of course,” said the nurse, pulling her phone from her pocket and making a call.

She disappeared inside, and Ellie looked up to see blue lights twirling in the darkness. The sheriff’s car roared into the parking lot, then Bryce climbed out and jogged inside. His gaze swept the waiting room then he rushed toward her. “Captain Hale called.”

Ellie nodded, grateful Bryce looked clear-eyed. She adjusted Daisy on her hip. She couldn’t stand to think about that awful group selling children like cattle.

“Where’s Agent Fox?”

“Chasing the man who delivered Daisy.”

Protective instincts she’d never seen before flickered in his eyes as his gaze fell on Daisy. “Is she okay?”

“I think so but waiting on the doctors.”

The nurse reappeared. “Follow me. The child psychologist and pediatrician are on their way.”

“Thank you.” Carrying Daisy, Ellie followed the nurse through a set of double doors to an ER room. Daisy stirred and looked up at her as she eased her onto the bed. “It’s okay, sweetie,” hushed Ellie. “You’re safe now.”

Bryce stood at the door watching quietly, while Daisy pressed the unicorn to her cheek, a tear streaming down her face.

“My name is Ellie,” she said softly. “I’m with the police and I’m here to help you. Is your name Daisy?”

Big doe eyes stared at her, then the girl gave a weak nod. “Yes.”

“What’s your last name, sweetie?

Daisy licked her lips, then whispered, “Pridgen.”

The child psychologist, a thirty-something woman with white-blond hair, a friendly smile and soft blue eyes, entered and introduced herself as Dr.Beth Laurens. “Hello, Detective. Nurse Nancy explained to me what happened.”

Ellie nodded, then spoke in a low voice. “Her name is Daisy Pridgen. I was told her mother was homeless and her father was deceased. I found her with a group called MWC who deal in trafficking children, and I think she was abducted. But I don’t know details.”

“I understand,” Dr.Laurens said. “I’ll talk to her. But this is going to take time. Why don’t you step outside and give us a few minutes?”

Ellie hated to leave Daisy, but the doctor knew best so she gave the little girl a hug. “I’ll be right outside. And don’t be scared. You’re safe now.”

Choking back emotions, Ellie slipped outside the curtained room, grateful to have saved Daisy. But where was Ava?


Near Bear Mountain

Dammit, he should have been able to take the bastard alive.

The Evidence Response Team showed up and Derrick explained what had happened, then a medic cleaned his wound where the bullet had grazed him.

The ME, Dr.Laney Whitefeather, also arrived. She’d worked for them on previous cases—she was a professional and cool in times of crisis.

“I need his ID ASAP.” Derrick showed one of the ERT investigators the wallet he’d found in the man’s vehicle. “I’ll have my colleagues at the Bureau verify this is his real name. He’s with a group selling children. Ellie and I suspected they might have abducted Ava so we were working undercover.”

Laney adjusted her kit in her hand. “Did they have her?”

“I don’t know yet. They offered us another child. Ellie rescued her and drove her to the hospital to be examined.”
