Page 90 of Stolen Angels

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Jan nodded. “Yes, please. We’ve been each other’s support group for a while. And I feel terrible that she was hurt since I was the one who encouraged her to call the police.”

Ellie glanced at Derrick. “Get her clothing and phone and see if the doctors collected any forensics. If they didn’t scrape her nails, we will. If she was pushed, we might find her attacker’s DNA.”

“I was thinking the same,” Derrick said. “She also might have seen her attacker.”

Ellie’s pulse jumped with hope. “Angelica, if you want to start researching the Wilkinson case and Becky’s, that would help.”

Clearly excited at the prospect of a breaking a big story, Angelica retrieved her pocket notepad and tapped it. “On it.”

“Come on, Jan. Let’s talk to Priscilla,” Ellie told the woman, who eagerly followed her.

Machines beeped, hospital carts clanged, and the scent of antiseptic, medicine and sickness permeated the air as they made their way. Nurses’ voices blended with those of the patients and their families, and the Christmas decorations meant to liven up the hospital only accentuated the despair hanging heavy in the air.

When they reached Priscilla’s room, Ellie gently knocked, then eased open the door. Jan hovered behind her, her breathing shallow as if she was trying to stay calm in the midst of a storm. She’d probably been struggling with that for the last six months.

“Priscilla,” Ellie said softly as she and Jan crossed the room. “I’m Detective Ellie Reeves. And you know Jan Hornsby.”

Priscilla’s head was bandaged, her tangled hair peeking beneath the dressing. Scrapes and bruises marred her face and arms, her lip was slightly swollen, and she had stitches above her right eye. A cast covered her left wrist and hand, and Ellie imagined other bruises hidden by the covers.

Her eyes looked slightly glassy from the concussion, but she blinked and focused on Jan.

“Jan?” she said in a hoarse whisper.

Jan rushed to her and cradled Priscilla’s uninjured hand between hers. “Hey, lady. I was worried when I didn’t hear back from you. Then I saw on the news that you’d been hurt.”

Pain flashed in Priscilla’s eyes. “I… don’t know what happened… I went to meet you but… it wasn’t you.”

Jan’s body stiffened. “What are you talking about? We weren’t supposed to meet.”

Priscilla gaped at her friend. “But you texted me, said we should go to the reporter together.”

“No, I’m sorry, but I didn’t,” Jan said, her eyes rounding.

The women looked confused, and Ellie considered Cord’s suspicions that Priscilla’s accident wasn’t an accident at all. “You received a text?” Ellie asked.

Priscilla nodded, although it looked as if the movement pained her.

“We’ll check into that text,” Ellie assured her. “Jan was worried and called Angelica Gomez. I’m here to help.”

Relieved tears softened the anguish on Priscilla’s face.

“Jan told me about her daughter Becky’s abduction. And about what happened with your niece.” Ellie hoped she wasn’t wasting valuable time chasing this when she should be concentrating on Ava, but if the abductions were connected, this might be a true lead.

“Can you tell me what happened with your sister? And who handled her case?”

The covers rustled as Priscilla shifted to get more comfortable. “A Detective Forrester in Savannah. But he arrested Renee instead of looking for whoever took Kaylee.”

“Could you please describe what your sister said happened that day?”

Priscilla coughed and Jan handed her the cup of water on her bedside tray, and they waited for her to take a long sip.

Finally, Priscilla pushed the cup away. “Renee took Kaylee to the beach for a picnic. But for some reason she fell asleep and when she came to, Kaylee was gone. The cop accused her of drinking and criminal child negligence.”

“Go on,” Ellie prodded gently.

Priscilla’s breathing sounded ragged with emotions. “He was so hateful to Renee, just blamed her. He didn’t even look for anyone else.”

“What about Kaylee’s father? Is he in the picture?”
