Page 11 of A Winter Gift

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"Nix took Summer home earlier," I said. "He and Rowan left with Summer and Lily."

Mina's mouth fell open, sadness clear in her shocked expression. "How could they just leave me?" she whispered to herself.

"Actually," I narrowed my eyes, remembering, "Summer and Lily said you were already gone. Summer asked me to fix something in the main room, then they all left."

Mina pressed her pretty lips into a tight line. While none of my immediate kin were omegas, I had known more than a few fiery ones in my time. I had seen many omegas' swift tempers followed by a flurry of curse words, but Mina wasn't like that. She was soft and quiet. Even as I watched the frustration grow in her eyes, she was still so composed.

The sound of the wind ripping through the main room filled the kitchen. Mina clutched the front of her coat, her angry expression still firmly in place, as a shiver worked through her. Her teeth chattered, and I picked her up.

"What are you doing?" she blurted out, digging her fingers into my shoulders.

"You're freezing." I pushed open the kitchen door, then walked straight to the staircase near the main entrance. Taking the steps two-by-two, I made my way toward the old guest rooms. They were still used on occasion when the pack hosted several visitors, but for the most part, they remained empty.

The first room I entered was cluttered with boxes, old furniture, and a few dusty paintings leaning against the walls, but the second room had exactly what I was looking for.

A wardrobe, fireplace, and a large bed took up most of the room. The plush bedspread looked thick and heavy, perfect for the shivering omega in my arms. I settled Mina on the center of the bed, then took a few steps back, not sure what to do with myself. I wanted to crawl in with her, hold her, warm her, scent her. Everything about Mina called to my wolf.

Between my pack's traditions and my beast's desires, I was fucked.

Mina pulled at the blanket, tugging it over her lap and around her shoulders. "Shouldn't we head home?"

"Not with the storm raging like this." I motioned out the small window. "I can't even see the trees anymore." It was true. Everything outside was just a blur of white.

"My mother is going to be worried sick." Her big eyes were glassy with tears, but I was thankful when she didn't cry. I wasn't good at comforting omegas. "There's no way to leave?" she asked again, twisting a loose thread tight around her finger.

"I don't think it's a good idea," I said honestly. While my wolf was alight at the prospect of a day or two alone with the sweet omega, my mind was still intact, and I knew better. But the more time I spent with her, the more clearly I could imagine my mating bite on her pretty, little neck.

Hoping to ease her worry, I said, "The good news is we have food downstairs and plenty of firewood."

She smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I guess it could be worse. We do have all the wine after all," she snorted, trying to sound as if she didn't mind, but I could scent her distress. She was worried.

"And don't forget the turnips," I added, pleased when her face relaxed, and her smile brightened.

"And the turnips too." She laughed, flirty and sweet. It was a sound I had never heard her make for any other wolf before, and I was desperate to hear it again.

Her scent calmed a bit as she fidgeted with the corner of the blanket, and I felt pressed to say something to end the growing silence. "I'll bring you something to eat. Then I'll stay in one of the other bedrooms so you can be comfortable."

"No." She jerked forward as if she wanted to grab me. "Don't leave me all alone."

I rubbed my palms together, squeezing, not sure how to handle this. "Mina," I gritted my teeth, "I'm sure Captain Ari would not be pleased to know we were alone. He'd have my head if he knew we slept in the same room."

"Captain Ari?" Her brows twisted with confusion. "Why would Captain Ari care?" Her eyes narrowed. "Has he said something to you about me?"

A bit of hope bloomed in my chest, but I tried to control my expression. "Is he not pursuing you?"

Mina crossed her arms, her mouth tight. Apparently, there was a bit of fire in her. "Captain Ari has not placed a claim on me. And even if he had, no one but my mate gets a say in what I can and cannot do. And right now, I don't have a mate," she tapped just beneath her ear, "but if you insist on leaving me in a broken house, scared and alone, all in an attempt not to offend an alpha that has nothing to do with me, then I guess there's nothing I can do about that."

My wolf salivated at her tone. The urge to turn her over and spank her ass red made my palms tingle and my cock heavy. I liked her worked-up.

I bowed my head in a formal manner. "Understood, Omega Mina." I couldn't help but smile at her angry pout.

Her eyes widened a bit at my expression, and her shoulders slumped. "I apologize." She sighed hard, her anger quickly fading. "It's not easy being my age and unmated. I'm old enough to know my own mind, but my status means that I don't always have the right to make my own choices."

"I didn't mean to assume." I bowed my head again to express my sincerity. "But if you don't mind me saying, Captain Ari is an honorable and proud wolf. Any omega that he takes as a mate will be very lucky." She nodded as if she had heard that a hundred times. "I'm just really fucking happy it won't be you."

My words caught her off guard, and she froze for a moment. I looked deep into her sparkling brown eyes, hoping she could feel how much I wanted her. This evening was a gift from the Moon, and I wasn't going to waste it. If Mina had no interest in Ari, then I would take my chance.

Shying away, Mina mumbled softly.
