Page 19 of A Winter Gift

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"How do you not know the guidelines of courting?" I asked.

She snorted, giving me a pointed look. "Is there a book I can read, or are these unspoken rules that alphas just know?"

I nodded, understanding her point.

She wiggled a little closer, placing her hand on my forearm, "But you aren't worried about following the rules anymore? I mean…after last night…what are you…are we…" She paused, struggling to finish her thought.

"If you will have me. If you will let me keep you. You aremine," I growled, loving the shiver that worked through her tempting body. "But as far as the rules go, we're trapped here." I motioned out the window at the raging storm. "This wasn't planned. I doubt anyone will banish me for falling victim to the charms of the most beautiful omega in the whole village." I smiled, trying to make light of our situation. But the truth was I had no idea what the consequences would be. Ari might not have staked a proper claim on Mina, but his interest was clear.

She ducked her head. "You think I'm beautiful?" she whispered, her scent edging even sweeter. It was so strong. It made me dizzy.

I leaned in, hovering my lips just over hers, then I growled, "Very."

She closed the space between us, pressing her soft lips to mine. I let her have a bit of control, touching me however she wanted. She kissed me softly, then brushed her cheeks over mine. A throaty purr slipped from her chest as she nuzzled and caressed my face. I didn't know much about omegas, but this I knew. She was staking her claim. She was coating me in her delicious scent to ward off others, and it had my heart racing.

Mina brought her lips back to mine, pushing her tongue out and licking my bottom lip. I opened for her. The moment her sweet tongue slipped into my mouth, I lost it. Fisting a handful of her hair, I pulled at the roots while pressing her hard against my chest. She gasped and moaned, gripping my shoulders hard.

"I'm going to take you," I growled in warning. "You are mine."

She nodded, panting while she continued to kiss me—her movements becoming desperate and sloppy. She was falling apart in my arms, and I fucking loved it.

A soft gasp left her lips as she tried to deepen the kiss. Her desire was so strong, her scent flooding the entire room. Realization slammed into me as my wolf inched forward, pushing me into a frenzy of possessive lust. Mina was slipping into her heat.

"Ivor," Mina whispered, her voice shaky with need. "Please, alpha. Touch me."




* * *

My voice drippedwith desperation as I begged Ivor to claim me. But Iwasdesperate.

Ivor's rich scent soaked into my skin, leaving me feverish and on the verge of tears. The twist of desire within me grew and burned, pushing away all sense of shame. It was as if my mind was no longer my own.

Ivor swallowed hard, apprehension clear in his deep brown eyes. "Mina, once I start, I won't be able to stop," he warned. "If you have any doubts, say it now, and I'll leave."

I shivered, my sex clenching on nothing. "P-please." I reached down, shamelessly pulling up the hem of my dress. "Touch me."

Ivor's gaze dropped to the apex of my thighs as I exposed my wet panties. He licked his lips, his eyes glowing red. I hesitated for a moment, and he snarled, "Don't stop."

My fingers trembled as I lifted my dress higher. My full breasts dropped as they pulled free, and Ivor growled at the sight, flinging my clothing away. Feeling exposed and cold, I covered my chest, waiting for Ivor's next move.

He growled at me, glaring at my hands. "Don't," he snarled, gripping my wrist and holding them above my head. "Don't ever hide what's mine."

"Yuh-yes," I whined, a sharp cramp working through me. I jerked at my hands, wanting to hold my belly. Ivor released me, grabbing something out of the basket of trinkets at the end of the bed. He quickly returned, forcing my hands once again above me.

"What are you doing?" I looked up, watching as he tied my wrists to the bedpost. The thick, velvety ribbon had a string of mistletoe secured at the end.

"Taking what's mine," he gritted out, moving me up the bed and tying my wrists to the bedpost.

I groaned and mewled. The throaty noises that left my throat were filled with so much pain. It hurt. A vicious stab of pain ripped through me from deep inside my belly, and I arched my back off the bed, tears blurring my vision.

What was happening?

Was I dying?
