Page 5 of A Winter Gift

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Captain Ari said something to her, and she bowed her head, walking slowly next to him. Her black boots crunched into the snow as she walked away from me. I didn't miss the shiver that worked through her shoulders. I wanted so badly to pick her up and carry her. It was far too cold for omegas to walk.

She disappeared around the side of the cottage, and my heart sank a bit, already missing her. Rowan bumped his shoulder into mine. The goofy fucking grin that consumed his whole face made me want to punch him.

"You should ask her to sit with you at the festival."

"I will not chase after another wolf's claim," I said flatly, wishing like hell I had the status to challenge someone as honorable as Captain Ari for her hand.

"She has no real interest in Ari," Rowan said as if it were a fact.

I stepped a little closer to him. "How do you know?"

"The look on her face," he said as if it were obvious.

I snorted, shoving down the intense disappointment that settled in my gut. "So now you can tell when omegas have no interest in alphas?"

"I can when it's that obvious."

"And what do you see when you look at Lily?"

He flashed his white teeth in a big grin. "A challenge."

I laughed, slapping him on the shoulder. "Come on. Let's get the yule log."

I glanced back in the direction Mina had gone, feeling defeated all over again.




* * *

"You are very talented,"Ari said as I hung my tapestry from the tiny nail. It swung a little lopsided for a moment, and I fussed to straighten it, eager for an excuse not to look at the alpha.

"Thank you," I whispered, not sure what to say. Seeing him as anything other than my father's friend and not a prospective mate was next to impossible. Ari's sandy brown hair was gray along his sideburns, and his beard was almost entirely white. His eyes crinkled as he smiled at my tapestry, appreciating every detail. He really was very nice, or at least he was to me. Perhaps that would be enough to make a good match.

"How do you come up with the ideas for your designs?" he asked.

"I'm not sure," I shrugged, admiring the gold beads that formed the star. "I pick a pretty bit of fabric. Then I let my fingers decide for me."

He pulled his brows together, thinking. "Interesting."

I hummed, fighting the urge to yawn.

"You make such lovely things with so much care. I'm sure you will make a wonderful mate one day."

A flicker of distress moved over me, and I dropped my gaze to the floor. Keeping my mannerisms bashful, I hoped he saw me as too shy for such a discussion and wouldn't press further. I was fully aware of how ridiculous I was being. After all, this was what I wanted more than anything—a mate. I prayed for an alpha to want me, and now here he was.

But he wasn't Ivor.

My mind pulled to my silly gift, and my chest squeezed at the indignity of my actions. I was entertaining one alpha while still hoping to woo another. There was a word for omegas like me….

Summer moved on the other side of the room, catching my eye. She smiled wide at me, raising her brows and blowing silent kisses. I wanted to smack her silly.

"Omega Mina." I startled as Ari grabbed my hand, his tone suddenly very official. "Thank you for letting me walk with you and for the lovely conversation. Would you allow me to escort you to the festival tomorrow?"

Pulling my lips into a wide smile, I nodded. It would be rude to reject him. And it wasn't like I had a line of suitors waiting to dance with me.
