Page 6 of A Winter Gift

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Ari turned on his heel and marched across the room without a second glance. Nix bowed his head at the older alpha, but Ari didn't stop to acknowledge him. I pressed my lips together, reminding myself that Ari wasn't being rude. They were both members of the guard. This was how captains and low-ranking guards acted. But it still seemed so cold.

The moment the door closed behind Ari, Nix turned to me and groaned, "How much longer?"

"If you want to leave, then leave," I snipped at my brother, turning to my tapestry. I spotted a few snagged threads along the border and pulled the sewing kit out of my pocket.

Nix huffed, then left, slamming the heavy door behind him. He did this all the time, thinking it might make me move faster to know he was outside and ready to go, but it never worked. I would leave when I was good and ready.

Summer sided up next to me, bumping her shoulder to mine. "You are such a perfectionist."

I caressed the fabric lovingly. "I want the pack to love it."

"Of course, they will. Alpha Ari doted on your tapestry the whole way here. It really is gorgeous." She narrowed her eyes at her design hanging next to mine. She looked at it as if it had personally offended her.

"He did not dote," I corrected her. "He said it was nice."

Summer's voice dipped to a soft whisper, all sass gone. "Do you think you'll mate him?" I was surprised to see so much understanding in her big blue eyes. All omegas lived in fear of being mated off to wolves they didn't love, but it wasn't always for us to decide.

"He hasn't said that he wants anything official. He's just…." I fiddled with the needle, smoothing the pointy end between my fingers. "He's just being nice."

"He is very handsome. Although," her goofy smile returned, "he isn't as handsome as Ivor." She nuzzled my cheek, and I swatted lazily at her.

Noticing a wonky thread poking out of the center of her wreath, I pointed to it and held up the sewing kit. She waved it off, then pulled the thread. It slipped right out, sending two beads smacking into the floor. They bounced and rolled away, hiding under the piano. Summer groaned, not bothering to go after them.

"Do you want me to fix that for you?" I asked, motioning to her very sad wreath.

"No point." She shrugged. "Next to your masterpiece, it'll be hideous no matter what." I opened my mouth to assure the youngling her piece was lovely, but she held up her hand, stopping me. "I already know what you're going to say, and there's no sense lying to each other. I'm a horrible seamstress, and this," she motioned to my design, "is perfection."

I smiled at her sweet compliment. "Thank you," I said, kissing her cheek.

She narrowed her eyes at me in a teasing glare. "I'm sure Ivor will adore it."

"Stop it." I poked her side, making her squeal. "I'm sure Alpha Ivor has many prospects. The blacksmith's daughter practically threw herself at him at the last bonfire. He even walked her home." I tried not to sound bitter about it, but I couldn't help it.

Summer grabbed my hand, her usually playful expression suddenly serious. "That alpha spends every celebration, festival, and pack meeting staring at you and only you."

My wolf thrilled at the thought, but it was hard to believe. Ivor was the kind of alpha that made you stop what you were doing and stare. His very presence demanded your full attention. He had many prospects, and an aging omega like me didn't stand a chance. But I would live the rest of my life in complete misery if I didn't at least tell him how I felt.

"Face it," Summer cooed. "Ivor likes you. It doesn't really surprise me. Seamstresses have a reputation for being very skilled with their," she paused, her eyes widening dramatically, "hands."

I gasped, playfully slapping her arm.

She batted her long lashes at me, not the least bit detoured. "Later, try to blush and giggle when Ivor compliments your work. Alphas love that."

"And how do you know what alphas love? You're barely nineteen."

"I have four older sisters," she snorted. "All I ever hear about is what alphas love. And trust me, it's all incredibly scandalous."

"Is blushing scandalous?"

"Depends on what parts of you flush pink." Summer popped the p in the word pink, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"I'm done with your flirty eyes today." I pressed a few pieces of thread into her hands. "Throw this away, and I'll get my coat out of the kitchen so we can head out."

One of the heavy double doors cracked, then flung open, banging loudly against the wall. A tightly bundled omega rushed in, struggling not to fall over with the crazed wind. Trying to latch the door, she grunted and heaved, but another burst of snow shoved it back. Summer and I rushed to her, pushing with all our might.

"Oh my goodness." Summer laughed once it was secured shut. She reached for the omega's skewed hat, dusting the thick layer of snow off.

Lily's sleek black hair stuck out in all directions as she removed her scarf and unbuttoned her heavy coat. "Well," she huffed, "I spent all morning finishing up the centerpiece for the main table, and it blew away on my way here." She shrugged as if it didn't matter, but her eyes were a little glassy.
