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My parents are clapping in the front of the huge outdoor audience at my graduation and I have to grin. Both of them have been up and down this week waiting on this event.

My eighteenth birthday falls on the same day as my high school graduation and I’m so damn excited it’s not funny. I’ve waited for this day for what seems like forever. To be an actual adult.

Don’t get me wrong. My parents are great. But with two younger siblings, I don’t have any real time just to be me. I love being with my brother and my sister but I just want some peace and quiet. In our household it doesn’t exist. The last time we had a little family movie night, my idiot younger brother managed to catch the rug on fire laughing like an ass until flames shot out of his nose.

Seriously! What family has to deal with these things? Just mine as far as I know.

Even my cousins are often easier to get along with. Sometimes.

The principal’s voice drones on and on and I practically vibrate with excitement.This is it!

We all stand up and start working our way forward as they call our name. I push my long, red hair behind my ear and try not to bounce on my feet while I wait. LaRoche isn’t too far down the list but there’s still a lot of kids before me.

One after another, I hear the names of my classmates called. One after another they step forward, receive their diplomas and then triumphantly hold them over their heads like a prize. Excitement pools in my belly while I wait to hear my name called.

The weather has been beautiful today. Perfect late spring day. Sunny and seventy with a light breeze. Perfect. The forecast is for the same thing for the next two days.

But while I’m waiting, clouds begin to circle over us. Dark clouds build and come closer and closer. My brow furrows as I watch it, confused. This shouldn’t be happening. There’s something wrong.

My dragon roars to life inside me, nervous and agitated, pacing back and forth anxiously. She doesn’t know what’s going on either but she feels something. Something strange and foreign. Something that doesn’t make any sense. It feels like when our honorary aunt comes visiting. The witch’s magic swirls around her like a golden veil.

This is much stronger. So much stronger that it feels all-encompassing, impossible to escape from.

The storm swirls closer and closer and finally is right over my head when my name is called.

“Serenity LaRoche!” The principal calls for me and I hear my parents erupting into loud cheers and whistles. I move forward automatically, a slight smile curling my lips.

It’s here!

Stepping slowly, I frown when the wind gets stronger and the clouds begin to boil over my head. Everyone around me is shivering in the chill of the whipping wind but my dragon remains calm and since I run a little hot for obvious reasons, I’m still comfortable.

Except for the air crackling around me. It’s like there’s an invisible force field around me, anchoring me to this place and time and something else is fighting it to get to me.

It doesn’t make any sense.

I see my parents’ faces and there is fear and acceptance on them.

The principal holds out my diploma and I accept it, smiling and shaking her hand. Her eyes widen and she gasps, taking a step back, looking behind me.

I turn slowly and find myself watching a man stride up to the hastily-built stage like he owns the place. There’s an air of wildness around him that makes me want to run and hide.

Something’s coming, something undeniable, relentless and overwhelming.

Destiny. This feels like fate walking towards me. He comes closer and the air crackles around his big, muscular body, calling to me like a siren’s song. My fingers tingle and my body feels like it’s on fire. My dragon rears up and roars inside me and it takes every bit of willpower I have not to give in and let her take over.

“Serenity LaRoche?” He says. But he’s not really asking. He knows who I am. I can see it in the glowing ice-blue eyes staring into mine.

I nod my head, unable to speak. His silver hair whips around his head in the wind and I feel my fingers itch to touch it, tug it. My heart races and I feel breathless anticipation for what’s coming next.

He holds out a strong hand to me and I study it cautiously before turning to see my parents.

Anger and resignation sits on my dad’s lean face. My mom’s green eyes are welling with tears and a hand is pressed to her mouth, holding back sobs.

I turn back to him, stiffening my back and crossing my arms protectively. I feel like this man can see right through me. “You have the advantage, sir. I have no idea who you are. And I’m not going anywhere with a stranger.”

He smirks, his firm yet soft mouth quirking up at the corners. “I am fate, destiny if you will, little dragon.”
