Page 12 of Storm of the Dragon

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My eyes open and I see the warmth and compassion in his icy blue gaze. “If something happened, I am sure that you did not mean it. How old were you?”

I turn my cheek into his warm, calloused hand. My eyes close and I breathe in the spicy scent of him. It fills my lungs and makes me feel safe and at peace.

“I was twelve. My dragon didn’t shift inside me until I hit puberty. I couldn’t control what happened.” My shoulders drop and my eyes open, tears straining to well up and pour down my cheeks. “There was a boy. An older boy and he tried to kiss me. I didn’t want him to and I pushed away from him but he grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back. Unfortunately, my dragon decided that I was in danger and she came out with a roar. He fell back and hit his head on a rock in the road where I was walking home.”

He groans and his cheek rests on mine, his forehead pressed against mine. “I’m so sorry, little one. That must have scared you so badly.”

I nod, unable to speak, the tears clogging my throat. Clearing my throat, I finally manage to say actual words. “I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t change back and I didn’t know how to fix him so I just flew off until I made it home to my parents and told them what happened. My dad wanted to find him and ‘take care of him’ as he put it. It took my mom to get him under control and she took over, going to find the boy and talk to him.”

His head cocks. “It only took your mom talking to him to get him to see that he should let it all drop and forget what he saw?”

I chuckle, one tear slipping down my cheek. “You haven’t met my mother. She’s a force to be reckoned with. She fought a demon when she met my father. Even though she was scared and human, she kept her head and won. With his help but I like to think that she would have won anyway. She’s a strong woman.”

He nods his head. “You must get your strength from her.”

He sits up and then stands, stretching his arms over his head. My eyes wander down the perfect musculature of him. I’ve never seen a more perfect specimen of a man, right down to the rigid, perfectly-shaped cock between his thighs.

His hand reaches down to help me to my feet and he grins wickedly, his eyes running down my body, making me flush. “I wish we could continue making love for at least the next week, but we have work to do, mate. Let’s do some magic.”

I grin. “I thought we just did.”

He throws his head back and laughs loud and long. “That’s another form of magic. But yes, I think we absolutely did.”

And we struggle into clothes. Or what’s left of them. I groan when I hold up my shredded shirt. “I think I might need a new shirt.”

He lifts a dark brow and hands me his shirt. “Here. Use mine. We’ve got a lot of work to do and we need to get busy.”

I pull it over my head, the scent of him trapped in the soft fibers of the t-shirt. I breathe deep and let his scent calm me.

“Let’s get to work.”

I nod my head at him and groan. My muscles are protesting the movement but I keep dressing, ignoring the pain.

I don’t know what’s coming but I intend to be ready. I have a lot to fight for. Love and family just to name a few.


“Now…I want you to close your eyes and hold your hands out.” Serenity lifts her red brows at me and her lips curl. “Yes, I’m aware it might seem silly but just do it please.”

She shrugs and holds her hands out, closing her eyes. I move up behind her and my hands hold onto her elbows, holding her steady. She jumps when I touch her but I don’t let go.

“Shhh…just feel the air around you.” We’re still in the glass solarium and the air feels charged. We can hear the birds singing through the shattered glass of one of the panes. The sun has hidden itself behind clouds and the wind has picked up, inside as well as outside. Air swirls around our still figures and I can see a faint glow pulsing in her fingers and spreading out towards the rest of her body. The birds still.

Grinning in satisfaction, I let my magic guide hers to the surface. I can feel the strength of it growing and expanding outwards until it’s beating against her skin, begging to be released. At the same time, I feel her dragon rising up to challenge the magic.

I feared as much. Supernatural creatures like dragons struggle with magic. They don’t like it and tend to avoid it.

I’m still amazed that I managed to win over Serenity’s trust. Her dragon sniffs the air and the faint smell of ozone from magic makes her puff out a breath of smoke, disdain curling her long lips.

I chuckle under my breath. She’s unimpressed. But as long as she stays still I think we can make this work.

I close my eyes and focus on teasing out the magic locked deep inside of Serenity.

I can see the glow behind my eyelids, feel the warmth and taste the ozone on the air swirling her red hair up and around her head. It grows and grows and I smile in triumph.

This is going to be easier than I thought.

Until Serenity herself jerks away and shrieks in frustration. I cover my ears as more glass cracks.

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