Page 13 of Storm of the Dragon

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“Baby, you need to stop doing that. I’m already going to have to replace some of the glass in here. I’d rather not have to replace all of it.”

She groans and her shoulders slump, her coral lips pouting out. “I don’t know why I can’t do this.”

“Sweetheart, you were doing it. You just got impatient. You’re young and I understand that but we don’t have all the time we normally would. Most witches it takes years to pull the magic out and control it. We don’t have that kind of time.”

She stomps her foot and I grin as I watch a puff of smoke curl out of her nostrils. “What the hell am I supposed to do then?”

“You let me help you. Most witches don’t have a dragon to keep under control so it’s a little easier. But you have a senior warlock to help you. Use me. Let me guide you.”

She groans. “Fine. But I gotta tell you. I didn’t feel anything.”

I tug her into me and hug her fiercely. “Trust me. I saw it. You were doing it. Just focus on what you want your magic to do.”

“It’s a stupid parlor trick,” she snorts.

“Every witch has to start somewhere in order to feel the magic well up in their soul. Now let’s try again.”

She huffs out a breath that includes a puff of smoke and I can’t stop smiling at her. She’s so damn cute when her dragon tries to join in the fun.

She settles into the soles of her feet and closes her laser-green eyes. Her smooth brow creases in concentration and I can see her muscles tense. I move closer and bracket her soft, curvy body with my larger one. My hands touch her elbows again, holding her steady. She leans back into my chest and I gasp when I feel her skin touch mine. The heat from our touch is searing me from the outside in.

Her shoulders lift and I feel her dragon settle inside her, lying on its giant feet and grumbling under its breath.

Then I can feel that translucent, ethereal glow start to form inside her heart and expand out into her fingertips. She’s obviously a heart witch. Most people don’t realize that there are different kinds of witches. Heart witches are family and love-oriented. They are the strongest of the witches. Mess with a heart witch’s family and it will be like all the judgments of hell come down on you.

My powers rise up to help hers build and grow until it feels like the raw, pulsing energy is pouring out of the room. The wind picks up and whirls around us in a cyclone of voracious air. Her long red strands whip at me and I gasp but don’t bother to react otherwise.

Ozone zaps the air and she grins a wild smile that makes my heart race out of control. Her fingers lift and glow and she moves them slightly, waving them just so. One of the panes of glass that broke into pieces lifts up into the air. The tiny, jagged pieces whirl in a little cyclone and then they all seem to melt into each other and the glass is moved back into position, whole and without a crack.

Her body slumps into me and I lift her up into my chest, kissing her cheeks and chuckling. “Baby, that was beautiful. What were you trying to do?”

“Fix the glass that got broke. So that we’re not exposed anymore.”

Nodding my head, I gently caress her mouth with mine, losing myself in the fruity-sweet taste of her mouth.

“Then you did it, dragon. You did it.”

She opens her gorgeous eyes and smiles, staring up at the glass above us. “I did it.” Her head turns to me and she groans. “I did do it right? I definitely don’t want to think that I had nothing to do with it.”

“You had everything to do with it. All I did was focus your magic. All the rest was on you.”

A proud smile tilts her mouth and she winks at me. “So I really did do it. Right? I made magic and controlled it.”

“You really did.” I hug her tight and then study the glass overhead. It couldn’t be any more perfect.

“Now. How about we go get something very filling to eat. Something maybe a little naughty for you.”

Her cheeks flush again and I can pick out the freckles on her young face. “I think I like naughty.”

I growl and lift her higher, until she wraps her shapely legs around my waist. “I like naughty things too. Only with you though. But I meant something like ice cream. I assumed you might be a little hungry.”

She holds her hand over her belly and groans. “Yeah. That does sound good.”

“Good. Let’s go get some.”

I pick up my car keys and we walk out of the old mansion. I help her into my SUV and nod at her. “Buckle up. And let’s go check out Magic.”

She smiles wide and it’s like the sun just radiates off of her she’s so happy.
