Page 17 of Storm of the Dragon

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I can feel him disappear and then Saar drops his hands. I turn in a circle and whistle when I see the mess.

“Wow! This place needs that cleanup crew that cleans up after fires and floods.” The walls and floor are scorched, the tables and chairs upended and the ceiling is open to the bright blue sky.

Saar chuckles as Jemma starts to stir. “I hope we can come up with a good story for this because she’s gonna have questions.”


Serenity ends up saving the day, telling Jemma that there was an earthquake and a brief fire from the gas on the stove getting knocked out of whack.

We help her back to her cousin’s little house and the bear shifter that she’s married to grimaces when he sees how she limps. Instantly, I help her into a seat and let my magic seep out of my hands and into her body, knitting up all her aches and pains in the quick minute that I touch her.

I see Serenity grinding her teeth and glaring at me and I wiggle my brows at her, shushing her.

Her jealousy is weirdly cute and I like it but not necessary. There will never be another woman for me. She’s it. For all eternity. Or actually our eternity. I’m mortal so when I die, which will be older than most men because of my shifter mate, she will age and die as well.

Such is the lot of a shifter. You can search for your mate forever and then when you find them, if they’re human, you lose some of your eternity. But most would gladly give it up because losing your mate is too traumatic to live through. I’ve seen a few with immortal mates and it’s disturbing to see how distraught and overwhelmed they become when they lose their mate.

I stand up and the bear shifter thanks me softly, admitting that he hasn’t told his mate about all of the denizens of Magic, Wyoming. Warlocks being one of those things.

I smile at him. “No problem. But we are going to have a town council soon. There’s something coming and we all need to be better prepared. This was just a little taste.”

He nods sadly and looks around his snug home. I know what he’s thinking. Will we still have a home when this is all over? Will we win and will there be anything left of the world as we know it?

I know. But as a senior warlock, my lot is not to announce the future. My job is to fight for our home and my mate.

My hand slips into Serenity’s as we wave good-bye and slip out of the house. She waves once more to Jemma and tells her that she’ll be by to check on her.

She’s so sweet and pure. I can’t believe that my mate is by my side. Right where she belongs for all time.

I growl and kiss her until we’re both breathless. “Let’s go home, mate. I have some things I want to show you.”

She giggles and wraps her arms around my neck. “Wanna ride?”

“I do not. I will get us home.”

And before she can blink, we disappear and reappear in a whirl of winds. She blows her tousled hair out of her eyes and grins mischievously up at me.

“I think I need to get out of this uniform.” She runs for the stairs and I follow, unable to do anything else. She is my lodestone. The magnet to my compass.

I catch her at the top of the stairs and run down the hall until I get her into my bedroom. Her wide eyes dance around the room and she can’t look away from the paintings on the wall. One in particular makes her eyes go wide and she taps my hand to let her down.

She walks up to the portrait and touches it gently. “Who is she?”

I walk up behind her. “You know who she is.”

It’s undeniable that it’s her in the painting. The scarlet hair and the spring-green eyes. There’s even a fire burning in the background and she gasps.

“Where did you get that?”

“I painted it. When I started dreaming about you.”

Her fingertips trail over the paint and she slants a glance at me. “You’re very good.”

“I had a good subject.”

She turns in my arms and wraps hers around me. Her soft lips turn up to mine and I take what she offers, sipping lightly from her lips, gradually taking over and turning her, biting her ear lightly, smiling when she hisses.

I whisper in her ear, “Make love to me, little dragon. Claim me as yours again.”
