Page 16 of Storm of the Dragon

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“Oh shit!” Saar hisses and grabs my arm, pulling me back from it. The clouds outside have thickened and whirl around, black and green edges fading into the darkness.

Lightning flashes and thunder roars. The winds whirl faster and the floor shakes. Windows rattle all around us and I cover my ears at the howling whine that threatens to break my eardrums.

“It’s here!” Saar yells at me. “Get behind me.” But I run towards Jemma when I see her feet slide towards the crack. She’s screaming and clawing at the floor and the sheriff is trapped behind a table and a piece of the ceiling that’s cut her off. His hands are struggling to pull the table off of his leg and his face is white. I can see blood on it and my stomach turns.

“Help the sheriff!” I holler at Saar. He yanks me back. “You help him. I’ll help the girl.”

I shake my head. I can see Jemma’s wide brown eyes glistening with tears and my dragon fights to break free.

“No! Don’t shift!” Saar hollers. But I don’t listen and I close my eyes, the flames of my dragon burning through me, my bones crack and reshape and I grow and widen until I finally lift my wings and my green gaze eyes the room majestically.

I reach out one foot and grab the girl and she screams hysterically, trying to free herself from my claws but I don’t let go and she suddenly goes limp against me.

Lobo growls and shifts on the other side of the room as the crack widens, making its way to me. A table flies and he stands up, his huge silver wolf limping. His golden gaze sweeps over me and he snarls, his lips twisting, canines dripping.

Saar groans and steps into the fray, his white-blue magic sweeping around the room, holding it together even as it feels like it’s shaking apart.

The clouds part and then something dark and twisted springs from the ground where the crack is. Bright red eyes glare at me and it opens its enormous maw and hisses. My dragon roars and lifts up into the air.

“Noo!” Saar shrieks wildly as the demon clutches at my foot. I shake it relentlessly but it refuses to let go, dragging at my body and pulling me down, down, down to that widening crack in the ground.

I roar and growl and snap but nothing seems to dislodge the damn thing. Then the large wolf howls and throws itself at me. It latches its massive teeth into the thing and snarls, refusing to let go. The demon hisses and then reaches down to try and dislodge the wolf who yelps in pain when the hand touches its side.

Lobo refuses to let go though. He whimpers but he doesn’t let go. Then blue-white flashes all around us and I roar as it engulfs me. Saar is standing below us, his hands lifted and a swirling torrent of rain, wind and lightning lashing at his still figure before racing towards our battling bodies.

The demon’s eyes widen and Saar hollers at Lobo.

“Let go, dammit! I’ve got him!” The wolf eyes him and cocks his head, whimpering. I can feel his pain and the reluctance to let me go and by the same token Jemma.

That’s who he’s fighting for. And if she is his mate, he won’t willingly let go.

So I grit my teeth and shake my large foot at the same time that Saar snaps at him again.

His eyes widen and he drops. As soon as he does, Saar blasts the demon with an icy blue streak of lightning and he screams as he writhes before letting go of my foot and dropping to the ground, slipping into the hole, his claws grabbing at the tile until it closes up around him.

The winds die down and the clouds whisk away and we’re left in the completely silent void of the diner.

Lobo lifts his head, whining and Saar goes over to him. “Hey, buddy. I can help your shifter healing so that you can get your ugly ass out of here before she wakes up.”

He doesn’t say who but we all know he’s talking about Jemma. The only human in this messed-up reality.

Lobo’s eyes close briefly and then he nods his head and Saar puts his hands on his side. Both warlock and wolf seem to be gritting their teeth and it’s obvious that he must have been quite injured.

I land and set Jemma down, releasing her from my claws slowly so she doesn’t slam into the ground. Lobo stares at her still form and it’s almost painful seeing the need in his golden eyes before he closes them.

I shift back and hear a growl from Saar when he realizes that I’m naked.

Rolling my eyes, I run back to the back of the empty diner and find a clean uniform on a hook in the back. Luckily it’s made for a larger girl so I slip it on and tie it.

Then I run back out to the front and see that Saar is finishing up with Lobo. He lifts himself up to his feet and starts to shift. At which point, Saar runs at me and covers my eyes.

I huff out a breath. “You must be joking. It’s not like I want to see the guy naked.”

He snorts. “I don’t care if you want to or not. You’re never looking at another naked man.”

Lobo chuckles and I know he’s shifted back. I can feel him come closer and Saar grumbling under his breath.

“We’ll take care of her. Just get out of here before either one of them sees you naked. Jesus, man!”
