Page 17 of Steel's Magnolia

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I nod out on the dance floor. “I see Birch and Jericho are doing great! They look so happy.”

“How are your kids doing, Emma?”

“Amazing! Ryder is a little stinker but we love him! He’s as rotten as his daddy!”

We all laugh and watch our men turn to us, identical looks on their handsome faces. “Uh-oh!”

All of them as one move towards us and I feel a thrill move through me at the look in Steel’s eyes.

Wylder reaches Wynn first and swings her out on the dance floor.

Steel pulls me to him and we move to the slow song, his eyes soft and full of heat.

“I can’t believe it’s been five years already.”

“Yeah. I was just talking to Emma about her kids.”

A shadow crosses Steel’s eyes. We’ve been trying for the last five years but haven’t been blessed…yet.

“You know we can always adopt. There’s so many kids out there that need a good home.”

“Yeah.” He pulls me into him. “If you’re ready just let me know. I don’t have to have kids. I’m happy with just you. You’re my whole world, Sassy.”

“That’s disappointing. Because I’m pregnant.”

He jerks back, his mouth falling open. “We’re…are you serious?”

I nod my head and he picks me up and swings me around in a circle, whooping like a madman.

“We’re pregnant, you guys!”

All of them crowd around us, laughing and sharing in our joyous news. Tears stream down my cheeks and I can’t stop smiling.

This place is so damn special. I came here looking for peace and instead found my piece of heaven and the most amazing group of friends anyone could ever have.

My mom passed away a year ago and these girls showed up en masse at the funeral to support me, dropping everything to be there for me.

I’d do the same for them.

The younger cowboys hang back and I watch them, hoping that they find what they need as well.

Iron H Ranch is magic. It will give you just what you need.

Laughter and happiness ring out as the country music wafts out into the night.

I found my family here. And I know that future men and women will all find their happiness here.

How could they not?

Iron H Ranch is the perfect place to find love.

Steel smiles into my eyes as he holds me tight and then he kisses me like his life depends on it.

His lips dance across mine, his breath melding with mine as we sway to the music and enjoy our little cocoon of happiness.

We’ve got it all. Love, happiness, family and a future that spreads out in a rosy glow all around us.

Thank heavens for Ruby, Oklahoma and Iron H Ranch.
