Page 25 of Finding Paradise

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“I feel exactly the same way.” I let him loose and used my thumb to wipe away the moisture from his cheek. I gave him a quick, tender kiss and took his hand in mine. “Come on, sweetheart; let’s go home.”


Two Years Later

“May I get you gentlemen something to drink?” the flight attendant asked from the aisle.

“Two screwdrivers, please,” I replied, before sharing a smile with Hayes. Ever since our first flight together, it had become a tradition for us to order the drink when we traveled.

We had flown many times over the past couple of years, and Hayes was much more comfortable now. He no longer feared flying, but lucky for me, he still always held my hand.

We traveled both for pleasure in the form of vacations across the country, and for business. Hayes accompanied me on several of my work trips; after I finished with my client, Hayes and I would explore whatever city we were in. It was a great way to see new places while spending time together. Plus, it was all on my company’s dime, which made it even better.

We also incorporated Hayes’ business into our travel as well. We made it a habit to look through any antique shop we could find along our journeys, and also scoured sales ads for anything that he would want to add to his own store, which was booming.

With his business prowess, Hayes had grown Grandma’s Attic into a thriving chain. He opened up two new locations and hired a dozen employees to help him run the stores. Customers were wowed by the unique items he offered, and charmed by my man’s personality. He made sure to visit all three sites often, and went above and beyond to help his clients meet their needs. His grandma Garnet would be so damn proud of him, just as I was.

“Here you are,” the lady said as she passed over our drinks. “Enjoy.”

We mixed our tiny bottles of vodka into the orange juice, and I held my glass out towards Hayes. “To my beautiful husband.” I loved the way the word felt on my lips. We’d only wed the day before, but I slipped it into conversation as often as possible, and knew I’d never tire of saying it. “Who makes every day a paradise.”

It was true; Hayes made every day worth living. I no longer spent my life behind a desk, because I had someone special to go home to. And even though the next week was guaranteed to be paradise, as we spent our honeymoon on a luxury Bahamian cruise, each moment with Hayes felt like nirvana.

Hayes beamed as he tapped his glass to mine. “To my beautiful husband, and a lifetime of love and happiness.” We shared a kiss before sipping our drinks, sitting hand in hand, awaiting our next adventure.
