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“And you’re a filthy tease.”

Carter winks, and I die right there on the spot, knowing I am easily the luckiest girl on the planet.

I watch in awe as the men in the room follow Carter’s lead and find their partners. Jax swoops Cass up and pulls her into his chest, kissing her deeply as the onlookers cheer for the newlyweds, while Sean finds Sara’s hand and spins her right into him as she laughs and looks up at her husband in adoration.

The dance floor quickly fills with loved-up couples slow dancing to the music Cassie very carefully picked out. But all I can do is look up at my man and see nothing but love shining back down at me.

Carter pulls me in impossibly tighter, and I rest my head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his beating heart as we move across the dance floor. I bump into Sara and we each balance ourselves against our men and as Sean saves her, I can’t help but watch them as they focus on one another, so caught up in their personal love bubble.

“They’re so happy,” I murmur to Carter.

“Yeah,” he says, pride in his tone as his hand slowly trails up and down my back. “They certainly are.”

I nod, unable to look away. “They have it all.”

“No,” he says, pressing a kiss to my head and making my eyes flutter in delight. “I have it all.”

A soft smile flitters across my lips as my cheeks warm. This man is definitely good with his words. “You don’t think they have it all?” I question.

“I guess that depends on what your version of having it all means,” he tells me. “For me, all I need in this world is you.”

“What about the rest of it? Calling me your wife and having our home filled with children,” I say, more than aware that I’m getting carried away, but I just can’t help it. I’m too caught up in my emotions, and this moment and the atmosphere of the wedding are spurring me on. “I can’t wait to have all of that with you.”

Carter’s body stiffens and his eyes leave mine to look back at Sean and Sara. His brows furrow, and as his body becomes even harder beneath my touch, I realize he’s completely freaking out. “Woah,” I say, reaching up and gripping his chin before bringing his gaze back to mine. “Stop overthinking this. I don’t mean I need to have that right now. I’m talking about the future. I know we’re not ready for that. I just . . . that’s where I see this going with you.”

Carter nods his head and pulls me back into his chest, but the mood has been ruined, and now he’s just going along with the motions. I rest my head against him, but his body doesn’t fully relax, and the way his heart races is a dead giveaway. The poor guy. I’ve pushed him too far and completely freaked him out. I know better than that. Carter is like a stray animal that you have to take your time with, slowly creeping toward it and offering treats to gain its trust so it doesn’t lash out and attack you. He’s probably busy coming up with a million excuses for how to prolong the inevitable.

“Relax,” I tell him with a smile as I look up at him, my hand gently moving over his chest. “I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

“It’s okay, babe,” he says, his hand squeezing my waist, silently telling me he’s alright. “You just caught me off guard. I didn’t realize that was something you were thinking about.” Then before I get a chance to respond, Carter spins me around, promptly cutting off the rest of our conversation.

At the end of the song, Carter gives me a gentle kiss on the cheek and sends me a wink that has my knees weakening once again, and just like that, he backs away and falls in line with Sean as they make their way back to the bridal table, stopping to refill their glasses. Only now, Carter’s looks to be filled with something much stronger than what he usually drinks.

Carter drops down at the table, and suddenly I don’t feel like dancing anymore, but I know he needs a moment to sit with his thoughts. Then sensing my gaze, he glances up at me, and I give him a bright smile, hoping like fuck I didn’t just destroy something amazing. “I love you,” I mouth across the room.

He sends me one of those panty-dropping winks, and as his face lights up once again, I let out a heavy sigh, feeling everything shift back to normal. Then before I can run to the bridal table and convince him to take me upstairs and show him how much I love him, Logan appears and steals the boys away, leaving us girls to do what we do best and keep dancing.
