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The newscaster hands the screen over to the weather, and I can’t help feeling like I’ll never be the same again. I’ve never heard of Uskia, but I know that I’m about to go into OCD mode over it.

Who knows? Maybe it will help take my mind off what’s going on in front of me right now.

Three Months Later

Courtnee is finally awake, and Stacee and I are so fucking happy. We didn’t relish telling her that Mom and Dad died, but I am in awe of the way she took over minutes after waking up. Personally, I would buckle under the pressure, and my sisters know that. Courtnee is ready to get back to work as well, and I don’t blame her. Stacee has been doing virtual auditions due to the state of the world, but she says it’s not the same. I wouldn’t know; I’ve never liked being the center of attention. With two sisters who look exactly like me, I never am, so I didn’t even try. I’ve been working remotely from the house I grew up in, but I miss my little office. I can see all of Manhattan from there. When I work late at night, I like to pretend that all the lights are shining stars. You never see stars in the city. I miss the stars. Court and Stace wanted to sell the house, so I went right along with it. I didn’t necessarily want to, but I get why they wanted to sell. The memories of our parents and the life we had with them would kill us.

Going back to my shitty apartment in Brooklyn alone isn’t what I want to be doing. Not in the slightest, but I need to go back to work. My phone pings with a Google alert. I set them up for King George. He’s in South Africa watching rugby, of all things. There is a picture of him posing with Logan Reynolds of the London Lions. He looks so casual and hot. His hair is a little longer than I’ve seen, but it looks good. I force myself to click out of the news article and onto my Air Regal app. I book a cheap economy flight back to New York. I’ve never once thought of New York as my home, and once this house sells, I won’t have a home anymore.

I’ll get through this like everything else.

Chapter One


Present Day

“You’ve got to be kidding me, Roland,” I say as I sit down at my desk.

“You have less than one week to appear in New York before a special tribunal. It’s convening for Uskia and Rirockia. Queen Renatta will be there with her new king.”

“That’s good.”

“Speaking of…”

“This better not have anything to do with my finding a queen, Roland.”

“Sire, of course it does. The people, your people have spoken. I have taken the liberty of creating a list of appropriate, eligible ladies…”

“You go too far. If and when I choose a wife, she will be of my own choosing.”

“But… the line. You need an heir and a spare.”

“I know what I need, and I will get it all in due time. My sole focus has been getting Uskia into the United Nations. I don’t have time for anything else.” Women are the least of my problems.

“There is always time for romance,” Roland says, looking anywhere but at me. He’s taken up with my mother, but they think I don’t know about it. Nothing goes on in my palaces that I don’t know about. I roll my eyes at him. He’s never going to give this up. He’s the best advisor I’ve got. He’s been by my side for the last thirteen years.

“Perhaps, once we’re done in New York, but I won’t be using your list for fucks sake.”

“Whatever you wish, Your Majesty. We are taking a tour of the states while we are there.”


“We leave tomorrow at seven in the morning.”

“Fine. Send my mother to me at her earliest convenience.”

“Of course.” He bows his way out of my office.

Twenty minutes later, and with eighteen signed documents, there is a knock at the door.


“You wanted to see me, Your Majesty,” Mama says, coming to stand in front of my desk. She dips into a deep curtsey.

“Mama, I’ve told you a million times, you don’t have to do that.”

“Hush, son. It’s proper.”

“Fuck proper, Mama.”

“Must you always talk like that? You are the King of Uskia. Your foul mouth is too much.”

“That may be but as you said I am the King of Uskia.”

“What did you need?” she asks, sitting down.

“I am leaving for New York tomorrow.”

“Of course. Sandrine forwarded your itinerary to Milo. Good luck. I know how much you want this. How hard you worked for it.”

“Thank you. Good bye, Mama. I’ll see you when I return.”

“And you’ll give some serious thought to a wife?”
