Page 142 of Sacrilege

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“Here,” Christian moved around me. “I laid a blanket down for her here. Hyde, help me.”

They worked together to pull me free from Grimm’s cock. I whimpered, reaching out for him. No, I’m not ready to be empty yet! Fill me back up. Destroy every inch of me! They laid me down before another blanket was draped over my body.

“Please,” I whispered, my eyelids already growing heavy.

Christian slipped underneath the cover with me. “Did you think we were done? Not by a long shot.”

As Christian toyed with my pussy, plunging his fingers inside, Hyde slipped onto the other side of me. They played while Grimm continued to sit in his spot, panting and watching. My head grew fuzzy. With every orgasm they pulled out of me, my eyelids grew heavier until I couldn’t open them anymore.


Sunlight made my eyelids flicker. I groaned, not wanting to wake up to the reality of the world just yet. My dreams had been filled with hot biker men, warm hands, and whispered words of degradation and praise. I want to get back to that.

Despite my need to stay in la-la land, my eyes peeled open. I groaned as I shifted, my body pinned down by something. I glanced to my right and jumped. Grimm. He was fast asleep, his long hair falling around his head in a halo as he snored.

What the heck?

I turned to my left to find Hyde draped over my body. He was practically curled up around me, his leg thrown over mine casually as if he was used to being so close. When I tried to shove him off, he whined in his sleep like a puppy.

The snicker that threatened to tear free from my lips was quickly swallowed down. I forced my attention to the reason my legs wouldn't move. Shifting them back and forth, I glanced down my body and took in the sight of Christian not only lying on my legs, but he had his arm wrapped around me, keeping me in place.

A warm, buzzing glow settled over me as I laid there surrounded by three mad men. My knee still throbbed, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as last night. I shook my leg a little. Christian clamped down around me, growling as he curled up more tightly.

I chuckled. They’re so ridiculous. Every one of them was different and yet they all worked well together. My stomach tightened. I wanted to get to know them, to see what was underneath the masks that they displayed. They’d piqued my interest and it couldn’t be quelled so quickly.

Slowly, I tried to shift away from them. One by one a new hand, head, or leg was draped onto me so I couldn’t get away from them. I sucked in a breath as my bladder burned.

Yeah, I have to pee. I need to get out of here.

Moving as quietly as possible, I untangled myself from them. As soon as I was free, I steadied myself on my feet and limped from the chapel to my office. The minute my ass hit the seat I pissed, a moan spilling from my lips as I let it happen.

“So good,” I muttered.

My mind wandered to last night. Every single indecent thing I’d done came barrelling back to me. The moans, the screams, the dirty words spoken in the house of God; all of it made my head start to pound. I stared in the mirror when I was done reliving every scene I’d been part of the night before.

How am I ever going to live this down?

I could imagine standing at the podium, delivering some sermon about immoral desires, all while I was wet thinking about the men that had taken me so thoroughly I hadn’t been able to think straight. The smile that touched my lips made me chastise myself.

I’ve defiled the church. How can I possibly smile?


I jumped, my heart pounding out of my chest as Christian stood in the doorway, panting. He stared at me, his gaze venomous as he looked me up and down. I swallowed hard.

“Y-yeah? What’s up?”

Christian’s dark glare ran over me from top to bottom and back again. “Don’t just get up and leave without saying shit,” he snapped. “Everyone’s looking for you.”

I swallowed hard. “Why?”

“You disappeared,” he said as if that made all the sense in the world.

I stared at him. “And?”

“And you’re still our goddamn prisoner.”

I shrieked as he scooped me up into his big, strong, capable arms. Christian glared down at me, but I didn’t feel unnerved the way I had last night. If anything, I was getting turned on all over again.
