Page 276 of Sacrilege

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I bite my tongue not to snap back at him. I like my head just as it currently is; on my shoulders. Viktor Volkov, the head the Wolves, only keeps people alive if they’re useful to his business. If someone isn’t any use for him, he has no problem getting rid of them.

“Roman,” he starts again. “My family was targeted. My brother is dead and the man who killed him is still out there. You’ll be looking after my little sister as long as I tell you to. You’re the only person I know who is capable of keeping her safe.”

With one hand, I rub my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. “Alright.”

“That’s what I love to hear.”

He hangs up, knowing there isn’t anything left to say now.

I walk back to the room, crawling inside the bed and hugging Haley from behind. She stirs, and her groggy voice calls out for me.


“Yes, baby?” I slide a hand to her hair and caress her.

“You understand now why I need to leave Holy Rose, right?” My body tightens because I know what comes next. My lack of answer encourages her to talk when it should be the opposite.

“Give me the grades I need. Help me out of this place.”

My hand in her hair tightens until I feel her wince. “Miss Stewart,” I growl, and I feel her tense as she puts a hand on mine. “I told you many times I wasn’t a good man. What makes you think I would do something that’ll take you away from me?”

“But…” she whimpers. “You know how they’re being with me. How can you want me to stay there?”

I’m an asshole.

Fuck, I’m the worst possessive asshole ever known to mankind.

“Because I’m here,” I simply say. “And you’re not going anywhere without me.”

“Then leave!” she cries out. “Roman, please—”

“No. I can’t leave. Not yet.” I have to stay until Katya graduates, but I can’t tell her that.

“I can’t stay one more day at Holy Rose. I need to leave.”

“That’s enough, Haley. Stop with this because it’s not happening.”

There’s a long silence during which I feel her fidgeting, uncomfortable and disappointed in me.

“Go back to sleep,” I say as I slowly let go of her hair. “I’m bringing you back to your dorms early in the morning.”

I hear her sniffle, I feel the way her tears drip on my arm, but it still doesn’t change my mind. Haley Stewart is mine, and if I’m stuck here, she will stay too.

It takes me a while to fall asleep. I know I broke her heart, but I’ll mend it. I’ll protect her within the school, and once my boss tells me I can leave, I’ll take her with me.

This is temporary. Only a few months. She’ll understand eventually. She will have to.

I startle awake, feeling the coldness beside me right away. She’s not in bed with me. I jump out of bed, a feeling of dread making my body heavy.

“Haley?” I croak out.

But my heart already knows. It’s wildly kicking at my chest, telling me the truth.

“Haley!” I call out as I run to the living room and kitchen. When I don’t see her, I push the bathroom door open. “You better be in her—”

There’s no point carrying on with my sentence. She’s not here.

I sprint to my front door, wrenching it open as I check outside, but she’s not there either. I can’t even catch her on her way out because she’s long gone. I know it.

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