Page 25 of Grump Daddy

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I’m done.

Chapter Five


Thenextmorning,Iwake from my slumber and head straight for the bathroom. I wash my face with cold water and brush my teeth.

Another day, another dollar,my dad used to always say. But I’m not like my pops. I’m nurturing, just as Sarah said. I was in bliss spending time with her yesterday. We bantered as if a second hadn’t passed between us.

As I walk by Martin’s room, I peek in. “Rise and shine, Martin. It’s time for school.” Martin’s taller-than-average four-year-old frame rustles and he gives me a thumb’s up sign.

Satisfied with that response, I head to the kitchen to make breakfast.

As he starts getting ready, I have my breakfast with scrambled eggs and a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper. Martin comes out of his room in his usual mismatched outfit and sits at the table in front of the plate I’ve made for him. He eats, now old enough to feed himself. I remember when I had to spoonfeed him.

When he’s done, Martin pushes his plate away from him. “Let’s go, dad. I’m done with my breakfast,” he informs me.

Both of us get up and head for the front door to my apartment. I lock the door and we take the elevator down to the ground floor. As we reach the ground floor, we walk to Martin’s preschool so I can drop him off and head to work.

On the way, Clark calls me.

“Jack, we have another meeting with the clients today. Do me a favor, and please don’t flake out again,” he lectures.

“Yeah, I will be there as soon as I drop Martin off at school,” I tell him.

“Alright, I’m waiting for you,” he says and ends the call.

We reach Martin’s school, and I drop him off at the gate.

“Bye, Dad,” says Martin as he hugs me, then turns and rushes off into the school.

With Martin sorted, I jog back to my apartment as quickly as I can and head back upstairs to change into my office clothes and leave for work. This time, no bus rides. Thinking about the last disaster and how I can’t afford to be late this time, I get an Uber instead.

After about fifteen minutes of zooming past traffic, I reach my office in record time. On my way to the conference room, I meet up with Clark, who’s just wandering the halls aimlessly.

“Good, you are here,” he says breathlessly. “And with about five minutes to spare.”

“Told you I’d be here.”

“Color me impressed. Now impress the clients.”

We head for the elevator and on the ride up, Clark briefs me on the talking points.

“Last time, we convinced the clients to the deal,” he says, giving me a review of what I already know. “Today we finalize that deal, got it?”

“That’s the idea,” I reply.

Five minutes later, our clients file in and start taking their seats. As soon as I see Sarah, my heart jolts as she takes her seat opposite my direction. As our eyes meet, I wonder how she’s feeling. I hope the nausea subsided and she was able to eat breakfast.

“Okay, everyone,” Clark starts, “last time we discussed the plan for the deal, so today we’re finalizing and discussing the terms and conditions of the plan, as Jack will now explain.”

“Morning, everyone,” I begin, sitting up in my seat. “As you know, this is a great day. We’re very excited to solidify our business relationship and, with any luck, make enough money to keep us all rolling in dough for decades to come.” I get a little laugh from that. At the same time, I feel something nudge my leg under the desk. Something soft makes its way up and down my shin. I glance over at Sarah, who’s looking back at me with a sly smile on her face.

I clear my throat, trying to ignore the soft feeling of her foot on my leg. “I, um, I will now present the terms of our agreement for the deal.”

I pass copies of the agenda and other documents surrounding the deal to Sarah, who takes one and passes it along. As she’s looking down at her paper, she starts chewing on the edge of her pen. Her pearly white teeth against the dark of the pen and the red of her lipstick are catching my eye as she twists the pen between her long fingers. God, what is she doing to me?

As the meeting continues, Sarah discusses the terms with her boss, pointing out some conditions in the document that the clients didn’t agree to. Seeing her in her element is impressive. I’m in admiration at how clearly and concisely she’s speaking. She really knows her stuff.
