Page 18 of Limitless

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For the next hour, while he was on a break between cases, we caught up, and he assured me that he would put in a good word about me, not that he thought I needed any more than I already had from Michael and my fellow surgeons at Southampton Children’s Hospital.

“Call me if you’d like to come watch me operate. I have a few interesting cases coming up and a brand-new resident I’m training.”

“Sounds good, and I will take you up on it. I’m trying to schedule some meetings with the new boss to see if I can get into his good books. Wish me luck.”

“You won’t need it. Just show them your record. You were good for this hospital, and they’ll remember that more than the stupid scandal of the past. We need talent and you’ve got it.”

We shook and I watched him walk out of the cafeteria and down the hallway to the bank of elevators that would take him back to his surgical suite and his next case. I would love to have followed him to see what he was working on, but instead, I had to meet with the secretary of the new head of the surgical unit, to see if I could schedule in a meeting.

I made my way down the familiar halls and ended up at the office of the Dr. Clark Porter, Head of Surgery. I spent some time reading up on the man, and he seemed to be part of the new generation — young, gay and very ambitious. I hoped he wouldn’t look at my involvement in BDSM the same way the previous admin had.

“Dr. Morgan,” his admin Cheryl said, smiling at me brightly. A woman in her fifties, she looked every inch the former head nurse who was a great administrator. “Dr. Porter is in a meeting right now, but he told me to make sure we find a time later this week for you two to meet.”

“That’s good,” I said, glad that at least he was willing to meet with me. In other words, he didn’t say no right out of the gate. If he had, I would have realized there was no chance. Perhaps a few of my former colleagues — and Michael of course — might have paved the way for my return on good terms. “I’m free all day tomorrow, so let me know what works for Dr. Porter and I’ll be here.”

“Good, let’s see…” She scanned his online scheduler and glanced up at me over her reading glasses. “He has tomorrow at two open, if you’re available then. He has a dinner meeting at five so that would give you time to talk and for him to give you a walk-through of the old surgical suites. I know he wanted to get your opinion on them and how to upgrade, given your work in England.”

“Oh, that sounds great,” I said, pleased that he had actually wanted me to offer my advice or opinion on upgrading the surgical suite. “Two o’clock it is. Thanks.”

“Great. Dr. Porter was really pleased to hear that you were interested in coming back to NYP.” She smiled and then spoke in a low voice. “Not everyone was happy with the way the last administration treated you…”

I nodded. “Good to know. Thanks, Cheryl.”

“You’re most welcome. See you tomorrow.”

With that, I left the office and made my way down the hall, passing my old office. The door was open, so I popped my head inside and saw that it was empty, except for a very cluttered desk with boxes and files spread out around the desk on the floor. The name plate on the door was empty, so I assumed the office wasn’t being used except to store boxes and files. Which didn’t make me feel very good. Did the old admin despise me that much that they turned my office into a storage room?

I was leaning in, glancing around, not wanting to go inside completely, when I heard someone approaching from down the hall. I glanced around and saw a young doctor in scrubs, surgical cap and white sneakers. He had dark hair and very dark eyes, his head covered with a surgical cap.

“Can I help you?” the young doctor said, standing beside me. I stepped out of the way.

“Sorry,” I said quickly. “I was just looking at my old office.

He tilted his head and stepped back. “You’re Doctor Morgan? ‘The’ Doctor Morgan?”

“The very one,” I said and cracked a smile at the look on the young man’s face. “And you are?”

He extended his hand quickly for a shake. “Dane. Dane Larson. Actually, they couldn’t replace you, so they hired two surgeons. I’m the newest hire. Great to meet you, Doctor Morgan.” He grinned, a boyish grin that implied he had a good sense of humor.

We shook. “Drake. Please call me Drake.”

“Drake,” Dane said. He turned to the office. “Sorry to say but they never put anyone in your office, so we use it as storage.”

“What a waste of space. It’s a great office. Great view.”

“I know. Believe me, I envied it and asked if I could use it, but they said no.” He shook his head. “Like it was tainted or something. Stupid, if you ask me. Space is so valuable now.”

I leaned back in and glanced around. “Lot of good memories in here.”

“Are you back?” Dane asked. “I mean, really back? As in, you’re going to be working here again? I know that Foster retired last year, and Porter replaced him. I was Porter’s first new hire… Maybe some of the bad blood has been leeched away?”

“Don’t know anything for certain yet, but I’m meeting with Porter tomorrow.”

“Good. It would be wonderful to work with you. Seriously.” He laughed. “I feel like a fan boy, but we all know of your work with robotics.”

I smiled. “Thanks. I appreciate it. Circumstances have meant that I need to move back to New York, so I need to find a job.”

He laughed at that. “Once a surgeon, always a surgeon, am I right? I’d love to have a drink with you sometime and talk about your work.”

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