Page 24 of Limitless

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“Good. See you when you get back and move in.”

I said goodbye. On my way out, I walked past my old office and glanced inside, imagining having it as my home base once more. I took out my new old keys and glanced around the office once more, knowing full-well that I would sign on the dotted line as soon as I got the contract.

Then I took the elevator down to the main floor and my waiting limo.

It was turning out to be a much better day that I could have hoped.

* * *

I arrived backat the 8thAvenue apartment and ran up the stairs to the living room. Once inside, I glanced at my cell and saw that it was close to nine o’clock back in Southampton. I sent Kate a text, almost bursting with the good news.

There was so much good news that it felt almost unreal.

Porter was gay, knew Nigel, was sympathetic if not into the lifestyle, and wanted me to start back in my old office as soon as possible.

I sat down after putting on some old Moody Blues and decided to send Kate a text.

DRAKE: Had a great day at the hospital today. Things are looking good for a return to NYP. The new head of surgery is a decent guy, very forward thinking, who appreciates my experience at SCH. Thinks I could be a great addition to the staff. Is writing up a contract and wants me to sign ASAP. I even have the keys to my old office. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning…

Then, I changed into some sweats and tied my sneakers, because I needed some kind of outlet. I’d go for a run, and maybe that would get rid of some of the excess energy I had because of all the good news. But first, I had to let Brimstone Security know I’d be going for a run. I texted the phone number Kyle had given me for when I needed someone to tail me during a run and let them know I’d be going for a run around Central Park in ten. Kyle had let me know that when I wanted to go for a walk or run, to contact a number and someone would be there to protect me. I’d know who it was by the red bandana either tucked in his back pocket or a red sweatband around his head.

When I was just about ready to leave the apartment, I heard my cell chime. I checked it and there was an email from Porter’s admin Cheryl, with an attachment.

It was my new contract with NYP.

Instead of running, I sat back down in the living room and read it over.

I was going to assume the responsibilities of a new position — head of paediatric robotic surgery. I would be responsible for setting up a unit at NYP with the latest equipment and would train new surgeons on the latest techniques.

My compensation package was impressive, but of course, I didn’t need the money. I frankly would have done it for a stipend and didn’t need the salary. In fact, I decided right then and there to donate my salary to a charity that would bring needy children to NYP for the surgery they could not get in their home country.

I opened my laptop and used the latest software to sign the contract and sent it back to Cheryl.

Then, with even more excess energy, I left the apartment for a run around Central Park. Sure enough, waiting at the entrance, was a fit young man in sweats. He nodded surreptitiously to me when our eyes met. I noted the red sweatband on his otherwise bald head.

The sign that he was with Brimstone and would follow me on my run.

Thank God for Kyle…

* * *

The routeI took was so familiar, I felt a strange sense of déjà vu and had to stop and just take it in for a moment. So many times, I’d run around the park during my time away from the hospital. The place had changed little in the years since I was last staying at the 8thAvenue apartment, so it was as familiar to me as the back of my own hand.

It was comforting. If only Maureen and Chris had decided to live in Manhattan, and in this area, I would have been content if Kate, Sophie, Liam and I lived on 8thAvenue instead of somewhere in Brooklyn Heights.

I made my way back to the apartment, and walked up the steps, opening the door with my keys. I glanced back and saw the guard who had been ghosting me standing across the street, stretching and cooling down after our run.

I went inside and after sitting and drinking some water and cooling off, I had a shower and then checked my messages. There was one from Dane inviting me to have dinner with him at a small restaurant near NYP.

DANE: I’m going for a bite to eat at The Arrow just down the road from NYP if you feel up to joining me. I saw that you signed the contract and will soon be my boss, so I thought I could butter you up a bit for when you get back and start having administrative control over me.

I laughed at that and sent him a text.

DRAKE: Sounds perfect. I was just wondering what I could have for dinner. See you in thirty minutes.

DANE: I’ll be on the patio waiting. Cheers.

DRAKE: Cheers.

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