Page 28 of Limitless

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“Yes,” Drake said. “We have to fly unless we want to go on a big ship. It’s much faster to fly. We’ll drive to London and stay overnight and then fly to New York. We’ll be there in just seven hours. It will be fun.”

Sophie seemed nervous about flying, but I figured that once she was on the plane, she’d enjoy it. We’d make sure to get first-class accommodations so that she could have more room and would have a window seat.

Before we got in the Range Rover, Drake stopped and laid his suitcase in the trunk. He unzipped it and pulled out a box.

“Look what Liam got you for a present.” It was a Lego set.

Drake handed it to Sophie, and she squealed with delight.

“Oh, it’s Lego!”

“Yes, it’s A Pet Adoption Cafe Lego set,” Drake said and pointed to the box. “There are puppies and kittens and some friends. He thought you’d like it. He can’t wait until we fly back to stay in New York.”

Drake picked Sophie up and put her in her car seat, and she held onto the Lego box like it was a treasure. I was sure that to her it was a treasure because it came from her big brother.

Drake turned and gave me a warm hug and kiss. “It’s going to be a good year,” he said, smiling.

“I think so,” I said and handed him the keys. “Are you up to drive back, or should I?”

“You drive,” he said and yawned. “I’m a bit tired.”

“Of course.”

We drove back to the house, and I could tell Drake was tired after his trip. Even though he had Business Class accommodations, he didn’t sleep all that well and looked a bit haggard.

I reached over and took his hand, squeezing it as we drove back to the country.

“You happy about how your trip went?”

He nodded. “I think it will all work out. Liam wants to live with us during the week and go to school with Sophie. He feels protective of her and liked being at the same school as her. I hope that Maureen and Chris are willing to let him.”

I frowned. “How could they turn that down? He’s lived with us during the school year for three years. There’s no reason to stop that now. They can have him weekends and holidays.”

“We’ll see what the judge says…”

“It will all work out.” I exhaled, hoping that whatever judge got the case would realize that it would be too big of a disruption to place him with Maureen and Chris during the week.

One could hope…

We drove up to the house and parked in the driveway. Drake got out and went to let Sophie out of her car seat while I retrieved his suitcase. When we got to the front steps, Elaine opened the door and there, standing in the doorway, was my father. He had his portable oxygen concentrator hanging off his shoulder, but he was up and feeling well enough to greet Drake.

“There you are,” my father said, smiling from behind his oxygen mask. “Glad to have you back, Son.”

“Glad to be back, Dad,” Drake said and gave my father a warm hug.

“Just in time to work your butt off getting us ready to move.”

“That’s what I’m here for.” Drake smiled and stepped aside when Sophie pushed past him, running ahead into the house, her Lego box under her arm. She could barely wait to open it and start to play.

“Hey, Sophie! Whatcha got there?” my father said and followed her into the living room. He sat down on the sofa and watched as she ripped the box open and proceeded to examine each piece of Lego.

While they amused themselves, Drake and I got him settled back in the house. Elaine was busy preparing some lunch for us.

Drake closed the door to our bedroom and pulled me into his arms.

“I missed you more than you can know,” he said, his voice emotional. “Those videos… I can’t wait for us to have some down-time so we can enjoy ourselves.”

We kissed, and he pulled me against his body. I melted against him, enjoying the feel of his hard body against mine, his arms pulling me closer.

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