Page 17 of Love After Never

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Gabriel looms over me, his breath hot on my face as he grabs the knife and flips it in his hand. Rather than tucking it away the same as the lighter, he runs it down the side of my neck. The tip digs into my skin, dragging, a breath away from slicing me as he trails it between my breasts. Slowly. He cuts through the fabric of my tank top, down, across my belly button before pausing with the knife point on my hip bone.

“The way you tremble at the blade, I can only imagine what my cock will do to you,” he whispers.


I’m not the melting type but there’s something about those words and the way he handles his blade. I know he’s right. As if the display on the stage at the club had been…foreplay.

I glance up to meet his dark gaze, my tongue flicking out to wet my lower lip.

“Nothing to say, Layla?”

He holds the knife in his left hand as he bends and slices.

Right through the rope around my ankles, following up with the ones at my wrists and freeing me.

I grip the sides of the chair when he brings his mouth a breath away from mine. “Deny you want me,” he whispers. “Tell me you would rather eat dirt than let me inside of you. Do it.”

I say nothing.

Because then I’d be admitting that I’ve thought about it.

How it would feel to ride Gabriel Blackwell.

I keep quiet even when he nips at my lip, drawing it into his mouth and sucking on it. The heat curling in my lower belly blossoms and expands so that my entire body seems engulfed in flames. Goosebumps erupt along my skin.

Gabriel notices. He sees everything. A dark chuckle heightens the prickles on my skin. “Stop me, if you can.”

I’m powerless as he captures my mouth in a kiss. His tongue demands entry and I open for him, tangle with him, lose my breath and my wits as wetness pools at my core.

He grabs my wrists to keep me from touching him as he dominates me and devastates me at the same time. The kiss is everything and I’m not sure where he leaves off and I begin. There is no mercy in a kiss like this. There is nothing but heat and predatory intent. I know where he’s going with it. And if he’s as good with his tongue as he is with the rest of him, then any woman he chooses to possess is a goner.

He suddenly breaks the contact and I’m left breathless. “Stay away from me,” he warns. “Stay away from whatever leads you’re trying to sniff out. If your father had this on him, then he was a big fish. Eventheyget snared when Broderick wants it done.”

I can’t move. But neither has he, his hands close to my hips with the knife still balanced between his index and middle finger.

“If you fuck like you kiss, then I’m going to be disappointed,” I tell him. A huge part of me wants to fight him just for the sake of the fight. To see if I can knock him down a peg or too. But it’s nothing if not shortsighted.

His eyes darken.

“What does that make you if the sigil is tattooed permanently onto you?” I ask.

My breath catches as he grabs my neck, taking a cloth out of the waist of his pants and wrapping it around my eyes. He covers my mouth and forces me to inhale whatever chemical he’s splashed on the cloth. My senses dull with whatever he’s used and I’m about to black out when he whispers in my ear:

“I’m the goddamn reaper.”



My cock givesan indignant twitch as I close her car door, making sure it’s locked before I leave the hot as hell detective in her little POS Ford Taurus. She parked down the street from the Velvet Underground as if a little distance should keep me from detecting her.

Fat chance. Her presence is electric.

Not that I ever let myself feel it for too long, but my cock does and he isn’t one to give up before he’s had his say.

I want Layla.

There’s no denying the primal kind of lust that rises inside whenever she spews hateful words in my direction.
