Page 128 of The SongBird's Love

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“Aside from the twins, I warned the other chicks not to come for a while, babe. Lula said the Eagle’s goin’ fucking crazy with everythin’ going on... The only one we ain’t heard from is Dalilah...”

“Yeah, she probably found some rich guy’s place to hide at... or she got herself killed.”

Eden nodded. With everything going on in the area, it felt rather fair that each of her colleagues was trying to survive on their own... She hoped they would be fine, but she couldn’t afford to look after them too. Plus, they all had their own backgrounds, connections, and resources they could rely on. No one could make it far without some wits to ensure their survival...

“...Eden, who did you come with?” suddenly asked Rose, her eyes pointed toward the ceiling.

Eden had almost forgotten about Dante and his men. They hadn’t followed her downstairs, but they could hear them upstairs walking all around.

“Are you still with him?” squealed Jack, opening his eyes wide.

“Who? Who are you talking about?” asked Rose, frowning.

Eden and Jack exchanged a glance. He hadn’t told her? Eden was sure Rose would have known by now, but Jack helplessly shook his head. Rose caught on to that.

“What are you hiding, you two? Who is up there? You said Eden was hiding with her hacking partner.”

“You told her about that?!” exclaimed Eden, shocked.

“You chicks are driving me crazy with all your secrets!” whimpered Jack. “You know how Rose is when she wants to know somethin’, don’t ya glare at me!”

It didn’t stop Eden, but Rose ignored both of them to walk upstairs before they could try and stop her.


She arrived on the ground floor right before Eden, who sighed, finding her facing Dante. Rose was visibly shocked, but still didn’t lose that haughty attitude of hers, with her arms crossed in front of the Italian. Amused, Dante smiled and dragged on his cigarette, his eyes going to Eden as she arrived next to Rose.

“Seriously? You were with him all this time?” said Rose, raising an eyebrow as she turned to Eden.

“Yes, and don’t give me that look.”

“l’ll give you whatever look I want. I can’t believe it... You, with a Zodiac...? What the hell?”

She glanced at Eden, scrutinizing her from head to toe as if she was re-evaluating her or trying to find a detail she missed before. That attitude annoyed the blonde even more, and when Jack finally popped upstairs as well, he found the two women glaring at each other in front of an amused Italian.

“...Are you sleeping together?” Rose asked Dante.

“Don’t answer that,” growled the blonde.


“Dante, shut the fuck up!”

“...I can’t believe you,” scoffed Rose. “After all your speeches about how you hated the Zodiac... And it had to be the Tiger, of all people.”

“Can you pack up your damn ego for a minute and mind your own business?” retorted Eden, pissed.

“What do you like about her?” Rose asked, ignoring her.

“She’s my bodyguard.”

“Dante, I said shut it!”

He chuckled and brought his cigarette back to his lips, very amused by the banter between the two women. Meanwhile, Jack, looking desperate over the situation, kept glancing with worried eyes toward the open door and Dante’s men standing there. Rose sighed, annoyed by Dante’s evasive answer.

“Damn it... You’re hot but you have weird tastes.”

Eden shook her head, mad at Rose. She hated when the redhead’s overinflated ego got the best of her. Rose hated to lose, in terms of beauty and seduction, to any of her colleagues. She was even worse over handsome, powerful, or rich men, and Dante happened to be all of those.
