Page 145 of The SongBird's Love

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“None of that sounds easy, hun! Plus, trusting a Zodiac and this crazy guy?”

Loir suddenly slurped loudly again, making Jack jump and glare at him. The hacker smiled right back at him, but as his smile was more creepy than friendly, Jack shuddered and looked back at Eden, playing with his long, black wig and trying to act as if the hacker wasn’t there.

“He’s only half as crazy as he looks,” chuckled Eden. “He is a very good hacker too. Don’t worry, Jack, please?”

“Don’t worry? Eden, he is just hella nuts! I saw him lick his keyboard. He licked it!”

“Jack, relax. It’s going to be alright. I know what I’m doing. This is my other job, remember?”

“The little I knew about your job did not include ya pairing up with a Zodiac to kill another, hun! This is fuckin’ war, and you’re going to be in the middle of that mess!”

“I’ll come back as soon as I can. I–”

“Oh, no, no, honey,” he said, wagging his index finger. “Uh-uh. You ain’t goin’ nowhere without me. I’m comin’ with ya.”

Eden was speechless. So he had actually put on the full outfit thinking he’d come with them?

“...No offense, but that’s a really bad idea. I don’t think... I mean, it’s not really like you’re going to be the Japanese’s type, Jack.”

“Oh, offense taken, babe,” he scoffed. “Don’t underestimate a professional. You’d be surprised how many dudes secretly dig this piece of fine meat, honey. And, I don’t effin’ care. You ain’t leavin’ me here with that crazy monkey. No way. Jacquie is comin’ with ya, Eden.”


“It’s Jacquie, and we ain’t discussin’ it no mo’. You got yo’ stuff, I got mine, so let’s just wiggle these fine booties outta here and get ourselves into that nasty mess. Come on. I ain’t stayin’ here with that cray-cray...”

Before she could protest again, Eden was pushed toward the elevator, while Jacquie was visibly relieved to get away from Loir, who waved happily and shouted something about sushi as the door closed behind them. Even inside the elevator, Jack didn’t let her say another word, making sounds with his mouth and holding up his index finger each time Eden tried. She still felt very uncomfortable about Jack coming along. Eden was already feeling guilty about Rose being involved, but the redhead was very used to mingling with dangerous, powerful men. Jack usually had more of a behind-the-scenes role at the bar, and he was one of her closest friends too. Eden was worried sick with the idea that something might happen to him.

“...Alright,” she whispered as the elevator opened into the underground parking lot, “but you get out of there as soon as you can, and you let Dante’s men protect you, okay?”

“Oh, I know exactly which cutie is goin’ to be my white knight...”

Eden raised an eyebrow, surprised to see Jack sending a playful glance toward... Rolf?

Dante’s second-in-command was standing right behind his boss, with all their men assembled as a group in the parking lot, while Eden and Jack made a detour around the little army to get to the head. She felt her friend close behind her, a hint of excitement in his steps.

“...Seriously?” she whispered, a bit amused.

“What? I like the strong, serious type. Plus, how can ya not fall for a man who likes puppies?”

Eden had to bite her lower lip not to smile, but as soon as her eyes landed on Rose, standing way too close to Dante, her smile disappeared. The redhead was flaunting her sexy figure and clearly trying to get the Tiger’s attention while his men scattered toward the cars. They were talking, but Eden couldn’t hear, what with all the cars’ engines starting. She let out a long sigh as they approached them, but Dante had that suspicious smile of his on, while his eyes were still on Rose.

As George opened the door for Jack to get inside a car, blushing at the wink the tall drag queen sent him, Eden decided at the last second to follow him inside.

“Uh...” muttered George, visibly uneasy. “...Aren’t you going to ride with the boss...?”

Eden crossed her arms, still sending glares toward the duo a few steps away. She was mad at herself for even being mad about this, and not knowing who, between Dante and Rose, she wanted to resent more. Meanwhile, George, obviously uncomfortable, didn’t even dare close the car’s door, sending worried glances toward his boss. Hence, when the Tiger looked over and finally noticed, he saw Eden already seated in a different car. Dante frowned, and while Rolf went to the driver’s seat, he walked over.

“...What are you doing?” he asked. “Our car is there.”

“Your car. You can ride with Rose. I’ll stay with Jack and George.”

Before he could add another word, Eden grabbed the door handle and slammed it. Dante had no choice but to step back or he would have lost some fingers. Eden locked the door, crossed her arms, and resolutely looked ahead.

“Oh, hun, you two really are–”

“Jack, shut up please.”

“A’right, I ain’t sayin’ it… But damn, hun, you’re in hella trouble.”
