Page 144 of The SongBird's Love

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She didn’t want to. Her heart was already going crazy from their proximity, just the two of them in this room, while he was holding her hands. Eden felt like something was going to fall apart if she gave in.


The way he said her name echoed something painful in her. There was so much expressed in just that one word. Eden stubbornly looked to the side, toward the kitchen, feeling her cheeks and ears burn red, and the shivers going down her spine from his intense stare.

Suddenly, he moved, and as he released her hand, she thought he was going to let her go, but she was very wrong. Instead, Dante embraced her waist, and, without warning, put his lips on her neck. The shivers immediately came back, and Eden felt her whole body tremble at that kiss. Yet, the Tiger wasn’t done. He kissed her exposed neck, again and again, torturing her until she could barely breathe. Eden closed her eyes, but it worsened the sensations. She could feel so much pleasure from just those kisses, her breathing getting louder. She was tense in his arms, stuck deciding if she wanted to push him away, or if it would be too dangerous to touch him now.

“Dante...” she sighed.

Those kisses were in a dangerous place between sensuality and tenderness, making that poison even sweeter.

“Dante, stop, please.”

He obeyed and pulled away slowly. His arms were still around her, but now, Eden actually had room to catch her breath. She looked down, a bit ashamed of her blushing, erratic breathing, and shy eyes. She heard Dante slowly sigh, his chest movements following his breathing.

“...Why are you always so scared of me?”

“I’m not scared of you,” she retorted with a low voice.

“You’re scared of giving in. You’re scared of your feelings for me.”

“Shut up,” she protested, now mad. “You don’t know anything...”

“You’re a poor liar, Eden.”

She answered with a glare, this time directed at his golden irises.

“Can we just go, please?”

He smiled and put a quick kiss on her lips again, but he finally freed her, taking a step back. Eden couldn’t help but let out a silent sigh of relief, although Dante took her hand again. They walked together to the elevator, neither of them saying a word. Eden was just silently praying that her cheeks would stop burning so much... Once they stepped inside and the doors closed, however, Dante let go of her hand and instead, moved his fingers to her belt to finish fastening it where Eden had failed before. There was something a bit embarrassing again about having this man tighten that large belt around her waist, and Eden looked away.

Her eyes fell on their reflection in the mirror. She could see Dante’s large back, his clean-cut hairline above his shirt collar. In comparison, her head was barely popping up an inch higher than his shoulder, and she looked trapped in front of this man... She did feel a bit trapped, her back against the wall of the elevator.

Somehow, Dante got her belt secured and settled much faster than she could have and soon stepped back with a satisfied nod. Eden was now wearing the dress properly. The fabric was exposing her shoulders but dipped lower at her cleavage; below the belt, the two slits of the skirt started mid-hip. Although it showed a lot of skin, Eden had chosen that dress because it would allow her to move easily, although it was a bit too sexy for her taste...

Thankfully, the elevator reached the floor with Loir’s computer room soon enough. Eden gladly stepped out, but just as she did, Rose walked inside, giving a sexy smile to Dante. The Zodiac barely glanced down at the redhead, but she didn’t take her eyes off him for one second.

“Hey, handsome,” she whispered.

Dante’s eyes went to Eden. She had seen everything, but she only shrugged.

“...I’ll catch you downstairs,” she said.

The elevator doors closed, and Dante and Rose disappeared. Eden let out a long sigh, more upset than she wanted to admit. Ignoring this, she walked up to Loir. The hacker was slurping from an enormous cup, perched on his chair like an owl as always.

“Kitty!” he said joyfully.

Next to him, Jack grimaced. He also had put on an Asian-inspired outfit and was already wearing heels, makeup, and a new wig. Although it surprised Eden a bit, she thought he was simply wanting to wear it to match Rose and her, as he had brought too many of those outfits and loved an occasion to dress up.

“Loir, are you done with it?” she asked.

“Yup, yup!”

He handed her a little device with a glittery unicorn sticker on it. Eden quickly inspected it before hiding it in one of the pockets of her dress cautiously.

“Eden, this all sounds very dangerous to me,” said Jack. “Are ya sure, hun?”

“Don’t worry. I just need to get inside the Red Temple, find somewhere to plug this thing in, and Loir will have full control of the place. Then, Dante and his men can intervene. If Rose did her part as she said, it will be easy.”
