Page 147 of The SongBird's Love

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“Damn it,” hissed Eden, slapping the seat between them in frustration. “Bunch of bloody bastards... Jack, what else did they say?”

“Just that, honey. They want at least a full year’s payment within the next two days...”

“Two days!”

She was furious. How was she going to be able to find that much money? Now? Eden could feel her anger rising. This was a nightmare. Even if she did as many Dives as she could for a full month, she would never be able to gather as much money as they wanted, let alone in two days!

“You should have told me earlier!” she exclaimed.

“When? When I was locked up in the basement or when we were surrounded by Italian mafiosos? Ya got yourself quite busy surrounded by ears, Miss Don’t-tell-anyone-ma’-stuff!”

Eden closed her mouth this time, beaten by Jack’s logic. It’s true, she had been quite... unavailable to be updated on the matter. Still, she couldn’t help but have a hard time enduring this new pressure.

Two days. Two days was way too short... It would never be enough. It’s not like she had never tried settling that debt before, or begged Loir to find her the highest paying jobs. Eden had tried everything, almost everything, legal and illegal, dangerous and life-threatening, without blinking, to get her head above the surface. It was never enough. Each time she tried to pay a little, her debt would come back with the same sentence hanging above her head. She closed her eyes, silently praying it would just all go away.

“Babe, you should just let it go,” sighed Jack. “I know this is hard, but–”

“How do I let go, Jack?” scoffed Eden. “If I...”

She glanced at George. Even if he was focused on driving, or pretending to be, she couldn’t underestimate Dante. Perhaps that car was rigged with mics, and the Zodiac was listening to her every word. She silently closed her fist and shook her head.

“Jack, I can’t. This... is all I got left. I can’t just say no or stop. I’ll do what I can, until... until I can’t anymore.”

“Oh, honey, you’re too good for your own sake; I get your feelings, babe, I really do, but... Damn, this is a shitty world, after all. Ain’t fair to ya, it ain’t.”

Eden turned her eyes back to the window; she couldn’t continue this conversation, and there was simply nothing more to add. Her decision wouldn’t change... She had been fighting the same battle for years. She couldn’t give up now, even if the chain around her neck got tighter and tighter every time... She couldn’t let go of what was hanging at the other end of that chain.

Thankfully for her, while they talked, the cars had reached their destination. Or, more accurately, as far as they could go in the Italian cars. The border for the Asian territories was made clear by the different red gates sprawled across the next blocks of buildings. George parked the car and almost ran out to open the doors. Eden used the short interval to turn to Jack.

“Not a word,” she said, right before her door was opened.

Jack didn’t answer, but let out a long sigh instead. He liked Eden a lot, but he wished he didn’t have to worry so much about that little piece of stubborn woman.

Only a handful of people actually stepped out of the cars, including Rose, Rolf, and Dante. Eden tried to put her angst from earlier somewhere at the back of her mind and focus on the job waiting for them instead. They walked over to rally together, Dante’s men sending worried glances all around.

“This is where we split up, darlings,” said Rose, confident as ever. “My contact will pick us up at the next block, and as discussed, we will be taken along with another group of escorts to the Red Temple. There, we each have our missions. The girls, Jack, and I will distract the Yakuza, while Eden sneaks out to find whatever she needs to find in there.”

“I will send a signal as soon as I do,” nodded Eden. “Loir will be in contact with me at all times, anyway.”

She had noticed Dante’s intense stare on her but was doing her best to ignore the two golden rings shining at her.

“It might take a few hours for us to entertain and distract them and for Eden to have a chance to sneak out, so... I hope you brought sandwiches and popcorn, my darlings,” chuckled Rose.

Unlike half of his men who blushed at the escort’s flirtatious glances, Dante’s eyes only darkened. Eden smirked. He had been taunting her with Rose, now he had to face the realization that, as much as he hated it, she would have to entertain other men too...

“Be quick,” he said in an ice-cold tone. “We will barge in as soon as we get your signal, or if we feel your approach might... fail.”

“What if the Rat’s men are ahead, or attack too?” asked Jack with a grimace. “Ain’t against some action, boys, but I’d rather not be caught in the crossfire... again.”

“Then we will attack too,” retorted Dante. “This way the job will be done faster...”

“Alright,” said Rose. “Let’s get going, ladies...”

Flaunting her sexy blue dress and cleavage, she sent another wink to the Italians, and the redhead was the first to leave, looking perfectly confident despite walking in the streets with such eye-catching and vibrant attire. Eden glanced at Dante for one second before walking after Rose.

However, to her surprise, Dante suddenly grabbed her wrist. Everyone around either scattered back into the cars or stared in shock at the boss holding the young woman’s arm.

“Let go,” she groaned.
