Page 148 of The SongBird's Love

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“...Don’t take stupid risks.”

Eden paused, a bit surprised. This wasn’t what she was expecting to hear right then...

“A bit late for that, isn’t it?” she scoffed. “Let go of my arm. I hate the grab-and-pull move, it’s for dicks.”

Dante let go, but slowly, his eyes still on her. Eden couldn’t take one more second of his intense stare, and walked out of there as fast as she could, despite her heels. She felt Jack right behind her and forced herself not to look back as she quickened her pace to catch up to Rose.

“...Tell me again how there’s nothing between you two?” whispered Jack.

She decided not to answer. Her heart was a cage of nervousness and angst, and that was already too much.

Rose walked in the streets without an ounce of fear or doubt. She had the assurance of those who knew the area perfectly. Technically, they were in one of those streets between two territories, with no owner and, as a consequence, the most dangerous. There were only two reasons for a woman to walk there alone: either she knew how to defend herself perfectly, or she had no choice but to put herself at risk. Although there were three of them, including Jack and his hunky figure, it was still dangerous. Hence, despite her apparent calm, Eden suspected Rose was speeding up to get to safety faster. The redhead’s best defense was often her acting and the mask she wore at all times...

After a few more streets, Eden saw Rose put a hand under her nape, where her SIN was. She turned around, moving her hands to her hips.

“So?” she suddenly asked. “Are we really going there?”

“...Yes,” sighed Eden.

Rose shrugged.

“I was just checking you hadn’t changed your mind...”

“How about ya?” asked Jack, tilting his head. “That’s a dangerous thing to do, Rosie.”

“Oh please, danger is sexy and right up my alley. Moreover, this might be an opportunity to get into another Zodiac’s good graces... No offense to your Tiger, Eden, but a girl’s gotta eat. Things are pretty much going to turn into an all-out war between those crazy people as soon as the Dragon is gone anyway... This may not be my first gunfight, but I hope to make it out of there, and I’ll go with whoever survives the murder party.”

She finished with a smile, and turned around, resuming her walk. Jack and Eden exchanged a surprised glance. In a way, this was so typically Rose... Jack sighed.

“She ain’t wrong, ya know. Can’t beat bein’ taken care of by a mighty man and not having to care about the price of oxygen for the rest of yo’ short life… By the way, she knows the Rat is a woman, right?”

Eden shrugged. In a way, it couldn’t be helped that her colleague was going to look for her own way out of this... This was why it was so hard to be true friends with anyone. Each individual had to look out for their own safety first. Friendship could sadly turn very expensive if one didn’t look out for themselves first...

At least she was glad to find out Rose had been true to her word; another car was parked two streets down, with two people waiting for them on the side. One was a tall and very sexy Asian woman, with heavy makeup, long bleached hair, two piercings on her lips, and very flashy clothes. She was wearing a cyan, cropped fur coat over a long purple kimono dress, in a surprising contrast between modern looks and tradition.

“Hi, Rosie,” she smiled as the redhead approached. “You got the money?”

Rose smiled and took a little card out of her sleeve. Eden had eyes on the guy next to her: a tall guy, also Asian, bald with a large, colored flower tattoo on the side of his head. His eyes were hidden by sunglasses, but he was obviously staring at them, from the way his head went up and down.

“Let’s see...” The blonde grabbed the card and began checking the contents.

“Jack, Eden, this is Ayame, a... longtime rival of mine.”

“Only the best deserve to be my rival, Rose,” chuckled the blonde, “and you’re almost as good as me... Well, the money is real. I am surprised you managed to get this amount... What’s so important that you want to work in the Red Temple?”

“It’s just a trial,” shrugged Rose. “You know things aren’t going too well on the Dragon’s side lately. We’re just looking for new opportunities...”

“Well, my client loves when I bring new faces, and the last girls got themselves killed, so... lucky you!”

Although she was smiling a lot, Eden had already decided not to trust that woman. Firstly, she was a bit too enthusiastic for an escort who was about to introduce her client to some potential rivals who could take her place. Secondly, no escort could afford a bodyguard unless they were really favored, and if so, she was way too accepting to bring new people into her sponsor’s home... Finally, the car next to them was big, and full of young women already: all dressed in kimonos, none of them smiling or looking at all happy to be there.


The car began moving as soon as the doors were locked.

The inside wasn’t like a usual car, more like a van, with the seats in a U-shape so that all the young women could actually see each other. Ayame’s bodyguard had gone to the front of the car and was perhaps the one driving it. There was a strange silence in the space. It may have been an awkward silence, but Ayame and Rose were a little too... excited for it to be awkward. The young woman with her bleached hair was looking at herself in a little pocket mirror, adjusting her cat eye with kohl and an expert hand, considering the little bumps on the road. Sitting opposite her, Rose was checking her nails in a similar fashion, visibly relaxed. Eden looked around. There were eight other girls inside, all Asian. Most were hiding their hands or had them on their knees, obviously nervous. Like Ayame and them, they were all wearing very fashionable yet traditional Asian clothes in bright, flashy colors. Ayame stood out the most, though, with her cyan fur coat and bleached hair. None of the other girls had their hair dyed.

After a short while, the car stopped again, but Eden knew it was too soon. She had a rough idea of the journey to the Red Temple, and they were still a few streets away. Ayame smiled at them.
