Page 167 of The SongBird's Love

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“Technically, Loir left her with them.”

“Yep, Kitty! This Warlock is launching Black Friday early! Grab one weapon, get two, hehe~ I’m still controlling the area and now that there’s a massive blackout on this floor, everyone is waiting for the show to go on!”

“They can’t see where to shoot,” gasped Eden, suddenly understanding.

This was very smart indeed. This way, Thao had no choice but to wait for Dante to come back since, unlike everyone else right now, his eyes allowed him to see in the dark… Otherwise, she’d end up shooting her own men if she tried to force her way out. This place was way too big and too complex to know where to go while blind.

Eden nodded, only then realizing she had gone from pushing Dante’s chest to holding his shirt... She blushed and let go, only for him to grab her hand and use this chance to step closer again.

“A-alright,” she muttered. “What now?”

“Uh... You might want to hurry and get out, my Kitties,” suddenly said Loir. “I don’t want to be a party pooper, but... I think the Core might have had the same idea as you guys.”

“What?” they both asked at the same time.

“Rocket. I have a... flying thingy looking like a rocket coming right to your location! This is not a drill! Time for Kitties to run, run, run!”

Dante and Eden exchanged a glance. They could face many things, but even for them, a rocket or a bomb coming their way was a bit much...

“Loir, how much time do we have?”

“Not much at all... If I’m being nice, I’d say three minutes... I’m always too nice, though!”

Eden grimaced. Even if they somehow found their way out in such a short time, there were a whole bunch of the Core’s people ready to shoot at them outside! She couldn’t remember seeing any sort of vehicle that could have shielded them as they ran out either. Going back to the upper floors was definitely a bad idea if the lower ones were wiped out, and the very top could even be the first target to begin with...

“Three minutes,” she groaned. “There’s nothing we can do in three minutes! Loir, tell me you have a secret way out of here. There’s got to be some sort of escape route!”

“Uh... Nope, not in my plans, Kitty, and you know that stubborn little Apple from your master can’t be used while you’re busy eating sushi, so... no way to check if I did miss something!”

“Look at the ones you had unlocked while I was there, you must have some copy left in our computers’ memory or something. Check if there’s anything helpful!”

“Oh, I love when the Kitty gets bossy... On it!”

Letting Loir furiously type on his keyboards to try and find a way out, she turned to Dante, panicked. She hadn’t even realized they were still holding hands, nor how strangely calm the Italian Tiger still looked next to her. He had clearly heard the same thing she heard, but Dante just looked as if they were about to walk out of there and perhaps go dine somewhere. Eden clearly was the only one showing any signs of panic.

“I was with Circé just before,” she quickly explained. “We need to find her. She was one of Loir’s allies, and one of my father’s apprentices...”

“You need her dead?”

“Can you stop trying to casually murder everyone?!” protested Eden. “I saved her life, I actually need her alive. She can be a great ally; she’s been to the Core recently and definitely knows a lot about them. She’ll be helpful if we want to stop their plans, and I could use someone to help me inside the Dark Reality...”


Dante turned his head, now clearly talking to his men through his SIN.

“Find the other woman. Don’t kill her.”

Eden frowned as he had said not to kill her instead of not to harm her, but she really didn’t have time to discuss the details with him right now while a rocket or something was coming their way. She had already begun a mental countdown of the time they had left, as Loir was usually very precise in his calculations.

Suddenly, she turned to Dante again.

“I need to find Jack! I left him in the other room we were in before, and–”

“He’s probably dead.”

“Don’t say that!” Eden shouted back, pissed. “Rose died, but we don’t know about Jack yet. ...Loir, can you find him?”

“Excuse me, I’m trying to save you from becoming red, flying, glittery pudding right now! I don’t have time to look for... Oh, never mind, I got him. Same room as before, Kitty, I see a cute six-foot-tall lady with pink hair crawling under a... a... Oh, my ponies, is that a real sumo wrestler? I want one!”
